Introduction to React Native Testing: React Native Testing Library

In this tutorial, we will explore the basics of React Native testing using the React Native Testing Library. We will start by understanding what React Native testing is and why it is important in the development process. Then, we will walk through the steps of setting up the testing environment and writing our first test. We will also cover testing components, Redux actions and reducers, navigation components, and asynchronous operations. Lastly, we will discuss best practices for writing maintainable tests and integrating testing into continuous integration pipelines.

react native testing library introduction react native

What is React Native Testing?

React Native testing refers to the process of verifying the correctness and functionality of React Native applications through automated tests. It involves writing test cases that simulate user interactions, check component renderings, and validate the behavior of the application.

The React Native Testing Library is a popular testing library that provides utility functions and tools for testing React Native components, Redux actions and reducers, and navigation components. It encourages developers to write tests that focus on the user's perspective and the behavior of the application, rather than implementation details.

Why is Testing Important in React Native Development?

Testing is crucial in React Native development for several reasons. Firstly, it helps ensure the stability and reliability of the application by catching bugs and regressions early in the development process. It allows developers to verify that their code works as expected and prevents issues from reaching production.

Secondly, testing promotes code maintainability and scalability. By writing tests, developers can create a safety net that allows them to confidently refactor and modify code without introducing bugs. It also serves as documentation for the behavior and requirements of the application.

Lastly, testing encourages good development practices such as modular and testable code. It forces developers to write code that is decoupled and independent, making it easier to test and reason about.

Getting Started with React Native Testing

Setting up the Testing Environment

To get started with React Native testing, we need to set up the testing environment. This involves installing the necessary dependencies and configuring the testing framework.

We will use the Jest testing framework, which is highly recommended for React Native applications. Jest provides a simple and powerful way to write and run tests, with built-in support for mocking and assertions.

To install Jest, run the following command in your project directory:

npm install --save-dev jest

Once Jest is installed, we need to create a configuration file called jest.config.js in the root of our project. This file specifies the settings and options for Jest. Here is an example configuration:

module.exports = {
  preset: 'react-native',
  setupFilesAfterEnv: ['@testing-library/jest-native/extend-expect'],
  transformIgnorePatterns: [

In this configuration, we specify the preset as 'react-native' to enable the React Native specific setup. We also include the @testing-library/jest-native package to extend Jest's expect assertions with additional matchers for React Native components.

Writing Your First Test

Now that the testing environment is set up, let's write our first test. We will create a simple test that checks if a React Native component renders correctly.

Create a new file called App.test.js in the __tests__ folder in your project root directory. Add the following code to the file:

import React from 'react';
import { render } from '@testing-library/react-native';
import App from '../App';

test('renders correctly', () => {
  const { getByText } = render(<App />);
  const helloText = getByText('Hello, World!');

In this test, we import the render function from the @testing-library/react-native package. We also import the App component that we want to test.

The render function is used to render the component and return a set of query functions that allow us to interact with the rendered component. We can use these query functions to find elements in the component and make assertions.

In our test, we render the App component and use the getByText query function to find the element with the text 'Hello, World!'. We then assert that the helloText element is defined, indicating that the component rendered correctly.

To run the test, execute the following command:

npx jest

If everything is set up correctly, you should see the test output indicating that the test passed.

Understanding Test Suites and Test Cases

In Jest, tests are organized into test suites and test cases. A test suite is a collection of test cases that are related to a specific feature or component. It helps organize tests and provides a way to run tests selectively.

A test case is an individual test that checks a specific behavior or functionality. It consists of one or more test assertions that validate the expected behavior of the code being tested.

In our example, we created a test suite with a single test case. We used the test function provided by Jest to define the test case. The first argument of the test function is the description of the test case, and the second argument is a function that contains the test code.

Testing Components

Components are the building blocks of React Native applications. Testing components ensures that they render correctly, handle user interactions, and interact with other components and dependencies as expected.

Testing Component Rendering

One of the most common tests for React Native components is to check if they render correctly. We can use the React Native Testing Library to easily render components and make assertions about their rendered output.

Let's create a simple example to demonstrate component rendering testing. Create a new file called Button.js in your project directory and add the following code:

import React from 'react';
import { TouchableOpacity, Text } from 'react-native';

const Button = ({ onPress, title }) => {
  return (
    <TouchableOpacity onPress={onPress}>

export default Button;

In this example, we have a simple Button component that renders a TouchableOpacity and a Text component. It takes two props, onPress and title, which are used to configure the behavior and text of the button.

Now, let's write a test to check if the Button component renders correctly. Create a new file called Button.test.js in the __tests__ folder and add the following code:

import React from 'react';
import { render } from '@testing-library/react-native';
import Button from '../Button';

test('renders correctly', () => {
  const { getByText } = render(<Button title="Press Me" />);
  const button = getByText('Press Me');

In this test, we render the Button component with the title prop set to "Press Me". We then use the getByText query function to find the button element with the text "Press Me". Finally, we assert that the button element is defined, indicating that the component rendered correctly.

To run the test, execute the following command:

npx jest

If the test passes, it means that the Button component renders correctly.

Testing Component Interactions

In addition to checking if a component renders correctly, we often need to test its interactions. This involves simulating user interactions and verifying that the component behaves as expected.

To test component interactions, we can use the React Native Testing Library's fireEvent function to fire events on the rendered component. We can then make assertions about the resulting behavior.

Let's extend our Button component example to include an onPress handler. Create a new file called Button.js and replace the previous code with the following:

import React from 'react';
import { TouchableOpacity, Text } from 'react-native';

const Button = ({ onPress, title }) => {
  const handlePress = () => {
    if (onPress) {

  return (
    <TouchableOpacity onPress={handlePress}>

export default Button;

In this updated version, the Button component calls the onPress handler when the button is pressed. The onPress handler is optional, allowing the component to be used with or without an action.

Now, let's write a test to check if the Button component correctly invokes the onPress handler when pressed. Create a new file called Button.test.js and add the following code:

import React from 'react';
import { render, fireEvent } from '@testing-library/react-native';
import Button from '../Button';

test('invokes onPress handler', () => {
  const onPress = jest.fn();
  const { getByText } = render(<Button title="Press Me" onPress={onPress} />);
  const button = getByText('Press Me');;

In this test, we define an onPress handler using Jest's jest.fn() function. This allows us to track whether the handler is invoked during the test.

We render the Button component with the onPress prop set to the onPress handler. We then use the getByText query function to find the button element with the text "Press Me". After that, we simulate a press event on the button using the function. Finally, we assert that the onPress handler has been called.

To run the test, execute the following command:

npx jest

If the test passes, it means that the Button component correctly invokes the onPress handler when pressed.

Mocking Dependencies

When testing components, we often need to mock dependencies such as APIs, external libraries, or Redux stores. Mocking dependencies allows us to control the behavior of the dependencies during testing and isolate the component being tested.

To mock dependencies, we can use Jest's mocking capabilities. Jest provides a jest.mock() function that allows us to replace the implementation of a module with a mock version.

Let's extend our Button component example to include a dependency on an API. Create a new file called api.js in your project directory and add the following code:

export const fetchData = async () => {
  // Simulate API call delay
  await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));
  return 'Data from API';

In this example, we have a simple API module that exports a fetchData function. The function simulates an API call delay using a promise and returns a string.

Now, let's write a test for the Button component that mocks the fetchData API. Create a new file called Button.test.js and replace the previous code with the following:

import React from 'react';
import { render, fireEvent } from '@testing-library/react-native';
import Button from '../Button';
import { fetchData } from '../api';


test('renders correctly with data from API', async () => {
  fetchData.mockResolvedValue('Mocked Data');
  const { getByText, findByText } = render(<Button title="Fetch Data" />);
  const button = getByText('Fetch Data');;
  const dataText = await findByText('Mocked Data');

In this test, we use Jest's jest.mock() function to mock the fetchData API module. We provide a mock implementation using mockResolvedValue to return a resolved promise with the string 'Mocked Data'.

We render the Button component without passing an onPress handler, as we are only interested in testing the rendering behavior. We use the getByText query function to find the button element with the text "Fetch Data".

When the button is pressed, the fetchData API is called. We use the findByText query function to wait for the component to render the text 'Mocked Data', indicating that the API call has completed. Finally, we assert that the dataText element is defined.

To run the test, execute the following command:

npx jest

If the test passes, it means that the Button component renders correctly with the mocked data from the API.

Testing Redux in React Native

Redux is a popular state management library used in many React Native applications. Testing Redux code involves validating the behavior of Redux actions, reducers, and middleware.

Testing Redux Actions

Redux actions are functions that describe changes to the application state. Testing Redux actions involves verifying that the action creators return the correct action objects.

Let's create a simple example to demonstrate testing Redux actions. Create a new file called counterActions.js in your project directory and add the following code:

export const increment = () => {
  return {
    type: 'INCREMENT',

export const decrement = () => {
  return {
    type: 'DECREMENT',

In this example, we have two action creators, increment and decrement, that return objects representing the corresponding actions.

Now, let's write a test to check if the increment action creator returns the correct action object. Create a new file called counterActions.test.js in the __tests__ folder and add the following code:

import { increment } from '../counterActions';

test('increment action returns the correct action object', () => {
  const action = increment();
  expect(action).toEqual({ type: 'INCREMENT' });

In this test, we call the increment action creator and store the result in the action variable. We then assert that the action object is equal to { type: 'INCREMENT' }.

To run the test, execute the following command:

npx jest

If the test passes, it means that the increment action creator returns the correct action object.

Testing Redux Reducers

Redux reducers are pure functions that specify how the application state should change in response to actions. Testing Redux reducers involves verifying that the reducers produce the expected state given a specific action.

Let's create a simple example to demonstrate testing Redux reducers. Create a new file called counterReducer.js in your project directory and add the following code:

const initialState = { count: 0 };

const counterReducer = (state = initialState, action) => {
  switch (action.type) {
    case 'INCREMENT':
      return { count: state.count + 1 };
    case 'DECREMENT':
      return { count: state.count - 1 };
      return state;

export default counterReducer;

In this example, we have a counterReducer function that takes the current state and an action as arguments. It handles the 'INCREMENT' and 'DECREMENT' actions by updating the count property of the state accordingly.

Now, let's write a test to check if the counterReducer produces the expected state given an 'INCREMENT' action. Create a new file called counterReducer.test.js in the __tests__ folder and add the following code:

import counterReducer from '../counterReducer';

test('counterReducer increments count in state', () => {
  const state = { count: 0 };
  const action = { type: 'INCREMENT' };
  const nextState = counterReducer(state, action);
  expect(nextState).toEqual({ count: 1 });

In this test, we define the initial state and the 'INCREMENT' action. We call the counterReducer function with the initial state and the action, and store the result in the nextState variable. Finally, we assert that the nextState is equal to { count: 1 }.

To run the test, execute the following command:

npx jest

If the test passes, it means that the counterReducer produces the expected state given an 'INCREMENT' action.

Testing Redux Middleware

Redux middleware intercepts dispatched actions and can modify, delay, or dispatch additional actions. Testing Redux middleware involves verifying that the middleware functions correctly handle actions and produce the expected behavior.

Let's create a simple example to demonstrate testing Redux middleware. Create a new file called loggerMiddleware.js in your project directory and add the following code:

const loggerMiddleware = store => next => action => {
  console.log('Dispatching action:', action);
  const result = next(action);
  console.log('Next state:', store.getState());
  return result;

export default loggerMiddleware;

In this example, we have a loggerMiddleware function that logs information about dispatched actions and the resulting state. It wraps the next middleware or the reducer during the dispatch process.

Now, let's write a test to check if the loggerMiddleware logs the dispatched action and the next state. Create a new file called loggerMiddleware.test.js in the __tests__ folder and add the following code:

import loggerMiddleware from '../loggerMiddleware';

test('loggerMiddleware logs actions and next state', () => {
  const store = {
    getState: jest.fn(() => ({ count: 0 })),
  const next = jest.fn();
  const action = { type: 'INCREMENT' };


  expect(console.log).toHaveBeenCalledWith('Dispatching action:', action);
  expect(console.log).toHaveBeenCalledWith('Next state:', { count: 0 });

In this test, we create mock functions for the store's getState method and the next middleware or the reducer. We define the action to be dispatched.

We call the loggerMiddleware function with the mock store, the mock next function, and the action. We then assert that console.log has been called with the expected log messages.

To run the test, execute the following command:

npx jest

If the test passes, it means that the loggerMiddleware correctly logs the dispatched action and the next state.

Testing Navigation in React Native

Navigation is a crucial part of many React Native applications. Testing navigation components involves verifying that screens are rendered correctly and that navigation state changes as expected.

Testing Navigation Components

React Navigation is a popular navigation library for React Native applications. Testing navigation components involves simulating navigation actions and verifying that the screens are navigated correctly.

To test navigation components, we can use the React Navigation Testing Library. This library provides utility functions for rendering navigation components and interacting with the navigation state.

Let's create a simple example to demonstrate testing navigation components with React Navigation. First, make sure you have React Navigation installed in your project:

npm install @react-navigation/native

Create a new file called HomeScreen.js in your project directory and add the following code:

import React from 'react';
import { View, Text, Button } from 'react-native';

const HomeScreen = ({ navigation }) => {
  return (
      <Text>Welcome to the Home Screen!</Text>
        title="Go to Details"
        onPress={() => navigation.navigate('Details')}

export default HomeScreen;

In this example, we have a HomeScreen component that renders some text and a button. When the button is pressed, the component navigates to the 'Details' screen using the navigation.navigate function.

Now, let's write a test to check if the HomeScreen component navigates to the 'Details' screen when the button is pressed. Create a new file called HomeScreen.test.js in the __tests__ folder and add the following code:

import React from 'react';
import { render, fireEvent } from '@testing-library/react-native';
import { NavigationContainer } from '@react-navigation/native';
import { createStackNavigator } from '@react-navigation/stack';
import HomeScreen from '../HomeScreen';

test('navigates to Details screen on button press', () => {
  const Stack = createStackNavigator();
  const { getByText } = render(
        <Stack.Screen name="Home" component={HomeScreen} />
        <Stack.Screen name="Details" component={() => <Text>Details Screen</Text>} />

  const button = getByText('Go to Details');;

  const detailsScreen = getByText('Details Screen');

In this test, we create a navigation stack using the createStackNavigator function from React Navigation. We define two screens, 'Home' and 'Details', where 'Home' is the screen we want to test and 'Details' is a dummy screen with some text.

We render the navigation container and the stack navigator with the HomeScreen component as the initial screen. We use the getByText query function to find the button element with the text 'Go to Details'.

When the button is pressed, we navigate to the 'Details' screen using the function. Finally, we assert that the 'Details' screen is rendered by checking if the 'Details Screen' text is defined.

To run the test, execute the following command:

npx jest

If the test passes, it means that the HomeScreen component navigates to the 'Details' screen correctly when the button is pressed.

In addition to testing navigation actions, we often need to test navigating between screens manually. This involves simulating user interactions and verifying that the screens change as expected.

To navigate between screens manually, we can use the fireEvent function from the React Native Testing Library. We can simulate button presses, gestures, or other events to trigger navigation actions.

Let's extend our previous example to demonstrate manual screen navigation. Create a new file called DetailsScreen.js in your project directory and add the following code:

import React from 'react';
import { View, Text, Button } from 'react-native';

const DetailsScreen = ({ navigation }) => {
  return (
      <Text>Welcome to the Details Screen!</Text>
        title="Go back to Home"
        onPress={() => navigation.goBack()}

export default DetailsScreen;

In this example, we have a DetailsScreen component that renders some text and a button. When the button is pressed, the component navigates back to the previous screen using the navigation.goBack function.

Now, let's write a test to check if the DetailsScreen component navigates back to the 'Home' screen when the button is pressed. Create a new file called DetailsScreen.test.js in the __tests__ folder and add the following code:

import React from 'react';
import { render, fireEvent } from '@testing-library/react-native';
import { NavigationContainer } from '@react-navigation/native';
import { createStackNavigator } from '@react-navigation/stack';
import HomeScreen from '../HomeScreen';
import DetailsScreen from '../DetailsScreen';

test('navigates back to Home screen on button press', () => {
  const Stack = createStackNavigator();
  const { getByText } = render(
        <Stack.Screen name="Home" component={HomeScreen} />
        <Stack.Screen name="Details" component={DetailsScreen} />

  const goButton = getByText('Go to Details');;

  const backButton = getByText('Go back to Home');;

  const homeScreen = getByText('Welcome to the Home Screen!');

In this test, we define a new screen called 'Details' with the DetailsScreen component. We render the navigation container and the stack navigator with the 'Home' and 'Details' screens.

We use the getByText query function to find the button elements with the text 'Go to Details' and 'Go back to Home'. We simulate button presses on these elements using the function.

After navigating to the 'Details' screen, we navigate back to the 'Home' screen by pressing the back button. Finally, we assert that the 'Home' screen is rendered by checking if the 'Welcome to the Home Screen!' text is defined.

To run the test, execute the following command:

npx jest

If the test passes, it means that the DetailsScreen component navigates back to the 'Home' screen correctly when the button is pressed.

Testing Navigation State

In addition to testing screen navigation, we often need to test navigation state changes. This involves verifying that the navigation state is updated correctly when actions are dispatched.

To test navigation state changes, we can use the React Navigation Testing Library's renderWithNavigation function. This function allows us to render a component with a navigation prop that we can use to interact with the navigation state.

Let's create a simple example to demonstrate testing navigation state changes. Create a new file called CounterScreen.js in your project directory and add the following code:

import React from 'react';
import { View, Text, Button } from 'react-native';

const CounterScreen = ({ navigation }) => {
  const [count, setCount] = React.useState(0);

  const increment = () => {
    setCount(count + 1);

  const decrement = () => {
    setCount(count - 1);

  return (
      <Text>Count: {count}</Text>
      <Button title="Increment" onPress={increment} />
      <Button title="Decrement" onPress={decrement} />
        title="Go to Details"
        onPress={() => navigation.navigate('Details')}

export default CounterScreen;

In this example, we have a CounterScreen component that renders a counter and buttons to increment and decrement the count. It also has a button to navigate to the 'Details' screen.

Now, let's write a test to check if the CounterScreen component updates the count correctly and navigates to the 'Details' screen. Create a new file called CounterScreen.test.js in the __tests__ folder and add the following code:

import React from 'react';
import { render, fireEvent } from '@testing-library/react-native';
import { NavigationContainer } from '@react-navigation/native';
import { createStackNavigator } from '@react-navigation/stack';
import CounterScreen from '../CounterScreen';

test('updates count and navigates to Details screen', () => {
  const Stack = createStackNavigator();
  const { getByText } = render(
        <Stack.Screen name="Counter" component={CounterScreen} />
        <Stack.Screen name="Details" component={() => <Text>Details Screen</Text>} />

  const countText = getByText('Count: 0');
  const incrementButton = getByText('Increment');
  const decrementButton = getByText('Decrement');
  const goButton = getByText('Go to Details');;
  expect(countText).toHaveTextContent('Count: 1');;
  expect(countText).toHaveTextContent('Count: 0');;
  const detailsScreen = getByText('Details Screen');

In this test, we define a Counter screen and a Details screen using the stack navigator. We render the navigation container and the stack navigator with the CounterScreen component as the initial screen.

We use the getByText query function to find the elements with the text 'Count: 0', 'Increment', 'Decrement', and 'Go to Details'. We simulate button presses on the increment and decrement buttons using the function.

After each button press, we assert that the countText element has the expected text content. Finally, we simulate a button press on the 'Go to Details' button and assert that the 'Details' screen is rendered.

To run the test, execute the following command:

npx jest

If the test passes, it means that the CounterScreen component updates the count correctly and navigates to the 'Details' screen.

Testing Asynchronous Operations

React Native applications often involve asynchronous operations such as API calls or async actions. Testing asynchronous operations requires handling promises and async/await syntax correctly.

Testing API Calls

To test API calls in React Native, we can use a combination of mocking and async/await syntax. We can mock the API module and return a resolved or rejected promise with the expected data.

Let's create a simple example to demonstrate testing API calls. First, make sure you have the axios library installed in your project:

npm install axios

Create a new file called api.js in your project directory and add the following code:

import axios from 'axios';

export const fetchData = async () => {
  const response = await axios.get('');

In this example, we have an api.js module that exports a fetchData function. The function uses the axios library to make an API call and return the response data.

Now, let's write a test to check if the fetchData function correctly handles the API response. Create a new file called api.test.js in the __tests__ folder and add the following code:

import axios from 'axios';
import { fetchData } from '../api';


test('fetchData handles API response correctly', async () => {
  const mockedData = 'Mocked Data';
  axios.get.mockResolvedValueOnce({ data: mockedData });

  const data = await fetchData();

In this test, we mock the axios library using Jest's jest.mock function. We provide a mock implementation for the get method using mockResolvedValueOnce to return a resolved promise with the mockedData.

We call the fetchData function and store the result in the data variable using async/await syntax. Finally, we assert that the data is equal to the mockedData.

To run the test, execute the following command:

npx jest

If the test passes, it means that the fetchData function correctly handles the API response.

Testing Asynchronous Actions

In Redux applications, asynchronous actions are often used to handle side effects such as API calls or dispatching other actions. Testing asynchronous actions requires handling promises and using a middleware like Redux Thunk.

Let's create a simple example to demonstrate testing asynchronous actions. First, make sure you have the redux-thunk library installed in your project:

npm install redux-thunk

Create a new file called counterActions.js in your project directory and add the following code:

export const incrementAsync = () => {
  return async dispatch => {
    dispatch({ type: 'INCREMENT_REQUEST' });

    try {
      // Simulate API call delay
      await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));

      dispatch({ type: 'INCREMENT_SUCCESS' });
    } catch (error) {
      dispatch({ type: 'INCREMENT_FAILURE', error: error.message });

In this example, we have an incrementAsync action creator that performs an asynchronous operation. It dispatches 'INCREMENT_REQUEST' to indicate that the operation has started, waits for a delay, and then dispatches 'INCREMENT_SUCCESS'. If an error occurs, it dispatches 'INCREMENT_FAILURE' with the error message.

Now, let's write a test to check if the incrementAsync action creator correctly dispatches the expected actions. Create a new file called counterActions.test.js in the __tests__ folder and add the following code:

import configureStore from 'redux-mock-store';
import thunk from 'redux-thunk';
import { incrementAsync } from '../counterActions';

const middlewares = [thunk];
const mockStore = configureStore(middlewares);

test('incrementAsync dispatches the correct actions', async () => {
  const store = mockStore({});

  await store.dispatch(incrementAsync());

  const actions = store.getActions();
    { type: 'INCREMENT_REQUEST' },
    { type: 'INCREMENT_SUCCESS' },

In this test, we create a mock Redux store using the redux-mock-store library and the thunk middleware. We dispatch the incrementAsync action using the store's dispatch method.

After the action has completed, we get the dispatched actions using the store's getActions method. Finally, we assert that the dispatched actions match the expected actions.

To run the test, execute the following command:

npx jest

If the test passes, it means that the incrementAsync action creator correctly dispatches the expected actions.

Handling Promises and Async/Await

When testing asynchronous operations, it is important to handle promises correctly and use async/await syntax to wait for asynchronous actions to complete.

Jest provides several ways to handle promises in tests. We can use async/await syntax, return promises from test functions, or use the .resolves and .rejects matchers.

Let's create a simple example to demonstrate handling promises in tests. Create a new file called promise.js in your project directory and add the following code:

export const fetchData = async () => {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    setTimeout(() => {
      resolve('Data from Promise');
    }, 1000);

In this example, we have a fetchData function that returns a promise that resolves with the string 'Data from Promise' after a delay.

Now, let's write a test to check if the fetchData function resolves with the expected data. Create a new file called promise.test.js in the __tests__ folder and add the following code:

import { fetchData } from '../promise';

test('fetchData resolves with the expected data', async () => {
  const data = await fetchData();
  expect(data).toBe('Data from Promise');

In this test, we use async/await syntax to wait for the fetchData function to complete and store the result in the data variable. Finally, we assert that the data is equal to the expected string.

To run the test, execute the following command:

npx jest

If the test passes, it means that the fetchData function correctly resolves with the expected data.

Best Practices for React Native Testing

Writing maintainable tests is crucial for the long-term success of a React Native project. Here are some best practices to follow when writing tests for your React Native applications:

Writing Maintainable Tests

  • Keep tests focused and independent: Each test should focus on a specific behavior or functionality and be independent of other tests. This allows tests to be run individually or in any order without affecting the results.

  • Use descriptive test names: Test names should clearly describe what is being tested and what the expected outcome is. This makes it easier to understand and debug failing tests.

  • Avoid testing implementation details: Tests should focus on the behavior and functionality of the application, rather than implementation details. This helps prevent tests from breaking when implementation details change.

  • Use test helpers and utilities: Use helper functions and utilities to reduce duplication and improve test readability. This can include custom matchers, setup and teardown functions, or utility functions for common testing tasks.

  • Mock external dependencies: Mocking dependencies such as APIs, external libraries, or Redux stores allows tests to run in isolation and avoids issues with external services or resources.

Using Test Coverage Tools

Test coverage tools help measure the effectiveness of your tests by analyzing which parts of your code are covered by tests. They provide metrics such as line coverage, branch coverage, and function coverage.

Tools such as Istanbul or Jest's built-in coverage reporting can be used to generate coverage reports. These reports can help identify areas of your codebase that are not adequately covered by tests and guide your testing efforts.

To enable coverage reporting in Jest, add the --coverage flag when running tests:

npx jest --coverage

This will generate a coverage report in the coverage directory of your project. Open the generated index.html file in a web browser to view the coverage report.

Continuous Integration and Testing

Integrating testing into your continuous integration (CI) pipeline ensures that your tests are run automatically whenever changes are made to your codebase. This helps catch regressions and issues early in the development process.

Popular CI services such as Jenkins, Travis CI, or CircleCI can be used to set up automated test runs. These services can be configured to run tests on every commit, pull request, or on a schedule.

To integrate testing into your CI pipeline, follow these steps:

  1. Set up your CI service and configure it to run your test command (e.g., npx jest).

  2. Configure your CI service to generate test coverage reports if desired.

  3. Configure your CI service to notify you of test failures or coverage issues.

  4. Optionally, configure your CI service to deploy your application if all tests pass.

Continuous integration and testing can help ensure the stability and reliability of your React Native applications and improve the development workflow.


In this tutorial, we explored the basics of React Native testing using the React Native Testing Library. We covered setting up the testing environment, writing tests for components, Redux actions and reducers, navigation components, and asynchronous operations. We also discussed best practices for writing maintainable tests and integrating testing into continuous integration pipelines.

Testing is an essential part of the development process that helps ensure the stability, reliability, and maintainability of React Native applications. By following the techniques and best practices outlined in this tutorial, you can write effective tests and improve the quality of your codebase. Happy testing!