Introduction to React Native Styling: Inline Styles vs Stylesheets

In this tutorial, we will explore the different approaches to styling in React Native: inline styles and stylesheets. We will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each approach and provide tips for using them effectively. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a better understanding of which styling approach to choose for your React Native projects.

react native styling inline styles vs stylesheets

What is React Native?

React Native is a popular framework for building mobile applications using JavaScript. It allows developers to write code once and deploy it on both iOS and Android platforms. React Native uses a combination of JavaScript and native components to create a powerful and efficient user interface.

Why is styling important in React Native?

Styling is an essential aspect of any mobile application as it enhances the user experience and makes the app visually appealing. In React Native, styling plays a crucial role in defining the look and feel of the components. It allows developers to customize the appearance of their app by applying colors, fonts, layouts, and other visual properties.

Inline Styles

In React Native, inline styles refer to applying styles directly to individual components using JavaScript objects. This approach is similar to inline styles in HTML and CSS, where styles are defined within the HTML tags.

How to use inline styles in React Native

To use inline styles in React Native, you can define a JavaScript object with the desired styles and assign it to the style prop of a component. Here's an example:

import React from 'react';
import { View, Text } from 'react-native';

const App = () => {
  const textStyle = {
    fontSize: 16,
    fontWeight: 'bold',
    color: 'blue',

  return (
      <Text style={textStyle}>Hello, World!</Text>

export default App;

In the above example, we define a textStyle object that contains the desired styles for the Text component. We then assign the textStyle object to the style prop of the Text component.

Advantages of inline styles

One of the main advantages of using inline styles in React Native is the flexibility it provides. Inline styles allow you to easily customize the styles for individual components without affecting other components. It also allows you to dynamically change the styles based on the component's state or props.

Another advantage of inline styles is that they are defined using JavaScript objects, which makes it easy to incorporate logic and calculations into the styles. This can be useful when you need to apply conditional styling based on certain conditions.

Disadvantages of inline styles

One of the disadvantages of inline styles is that they can make the code less readable, especially when dealing with complex styles. The styles are defined within the JavaScript code, which can lead to a cluttered and hard-to-maintain codebase.

Another disadvantage is that inline styles may not provide as much flexibility as stylesheets when it comes to overriding default styles or applying global styles to multiple components. Inline styles are limited to the component they are applied to and cannot be easily reused across different components.


In React Native, stylesheets refer to a separate JavaScript file that contains all the styles for a component or a group of components. Stylesheets allow you to define and organize the styles in a structured manner, making it easier to manage and maintain the styling code.

How to use stylesheets in React Native

To use stylesheets in React Native, you can create a new JavaScript file and define the styles using the StyleSheet.create() method. Here's an example:

import React from 'react';
import { View, Text, StyleSheet } from 'react-native';

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  container: {
    flex: 1,
    justifyContent: 'center',
    alignItems: 'center',
  text: {
    fontSize: 16,
    fontWeight: 'bold',
    color: 'blue',

const App = () => {
  return (
    <View style={styles.container}>
      <Text style={styles.text}>Hello, World!</Text>

export default App;

In the above example, we define a styles object using the StyleSheet.create() method. The styles object contains the styles for the container and text components. We then apply the styles to the respective components using the style prop.

Advantages of stylesheets

One of the advantages of using stylesheets in React Native is the separation of concerns. By separating the styles into a separate file, it becomes easier to manage and maintain the styling code. It also promotes reusability, as styles defined in a stylesheet can be easily applied to multiple components.

Stylesheets also provide better performance compared to inline styles. When using stylesheets, React Native optimizes the rendering process by creating a single style object for each component, reducing the overall memory usage and improving the rendering speed.

Disadvantages of stylesheets

One of the disadvantages of stylesheets is that they may not be as flexible as inline styles when it comes to dynamic styling. Since stylesheets are defined in a separate file, it can be challenging to incorporate logic and calculations into the styles. This can be a limitation when you need to apply conditional styling based on certain conditions.

Another disadvantage is that stylesheets require a separate file, which can lead to a larger codebase and increased complexity, especially for small projects where the styles may not be extensive.


Now that we have explored both inline styles and stylesheets, let's compare the two approaches to styling in React Native.

Differences between inline styles and stylesheets

Inline styles are defined within the component code using JavaScript objects, while stylesheets are defined in a separate JavaScript file using the StyleSheet.create() method. Inline styles allow for more flexibility and dynamic styling, while stylesheets promote better organization and reusability.

Inline styles are suitable for small projects or when you need to customize the styles for individual components. They are also useful when you need to apply conditional styling based on certain conditions. On the other hand, stylesheets are more suitable for larger projects or when you need to apply consistent styles across multiple components. They also provide better performance compared to inline styles.

Which approach to choose?

The choice between inline styles and stylesheets depends on the specific requirements of your React Native project. If you have a small project or need to customize styles for individual components, inline styles may be the better choice. On the other hand, if you have a larger project or need to apply consistent styles across multiple components, stylesheets may be more suitable.

It is also worth considering a combination of both approaches. You can use inline styles for component-specific styles and stylesheets for global or reusable styles. This approach allows for maximum flexibility and maintainability.

Best Practices

To use inline styles and stylesheets effectively in React Native, here are some best practices to keep in mind:

Tips for using inline styles effectively

  • Use inline styles for component-specific styles or when you need to apply conditional styling based on certain conditions.
  • Keep the inline styles as simple as possible to maintain code readability and avoid clutter.
  • Use variables or constants to store commonly used styles to promote reusability.

Tips for using stylesheets effectively

  • Use stylesheets for global or reusable styles that need to be applied across multiple components.
  • Organize your stylesheets in a structured manner, grouping styles for related components together.
  • Use descriptive class names for your styles to make it easier to understand and maintain the code.


In this tutorial, we explored the different approaches to styling in React Native: inline styles and stylesheets. We discussed the advantages and disadvantages of each approach and provided tips for using them effectively. The choice between inline styles and stylesheets depends on the specific requirements of your project. By following the best practices outlined in this tutorial, you can create visually appealing and maintainable React Native applications.