React Native vs Ionic: Which is the Best Cross-Platform Framework?

In today's rapidly evolving software development landscape, cross-platform frameworks have gained popularity for their ability to build mobile applications that can run on multiple platforms. Two prominent frameworks in this space are React Native and Ionic. This tutorial aims to provide a comprehensive comparison between React Native and Ionic, helping software developers decide which framework is the best fit for their cross-platform development needs.

react native ionic cross platform framework


What is React Native?

React Native is an open-source framework developed by Facebook. It allows developers to build mobile applications using JavaScript and React, a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. React Native leverages a native rendering engine, enabling developers to write code once and deploy it on both iOS and Android platforms.

What is Ionic?

Ionic is another popular cross-platform framework for building mobile applications. It is built on top of Angular, a widely-used JavaScript framework. Ionic uses web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create mobile applications that can run on iOS, Android, and the web.

Comparison Overview

Before diving into the details, let's take a high-level look at the key factors that differentiate React Native and Ionic.


Performance is a critical aspect when it comes to mobile applications. Let's compare React Native and Ionic in terms of speed, memory usage, and rendering capabilities.


React Native uses a just-in-time (JIT) compiler, which provides faster startup times compared to Ionic. This can be advantageous for applications that require quick loading times.

Memory Usage

Ionic, being built on web technologies, tends to have a higher memory footprint compared to React Native. React Native's native rendering engine allows for better memory management, resulting in more efficient memory usage.


React Native's native rendering engine allows for smoother animations and transitions compared to Ionic, which relies on web-based rendering. This makes React Native a better choice for applications that heavily rely on animations and graphics.

Development Experience

The development experience plays a crucial role in the efficiency and productivity of developers. Let's compare React Native and Ionic based on language and syntax, code reusability, and tooling and documentation.

Language and Syntax

React Native uses JavaScript and React, which are widely adopted by web developers. This makes it easier for web developers to transition to mobile development using React Native. On the other hand, Ionic uses Angular, which has a steeper learning curve for developers who are not familiar with it.

Code Reusability

Both React Native and Ionic offer code reusability across platforms. However, React Native's code reusability is more extensive due to its native rendering engine, allowing developers to share a higher percentage of code between iOS and Android platforms.

Tooling and Documentation

React Native has a larger community and ecosystem, resulting in a broader range of tools and libraries available for developers. Additionally, React Native has extensive documentation and a rich set of official resources, making it easier for developers to get started and find solutions to common problems.

UI Components

The user interface (UI) is a critical aspect of any mobile application. Let's compare React Native and Ionic in terms of native look and feel, customization options, and third-party library support.

Native Look and Feel

React Native uses native UI components, providing a more authentic and native look and feel to the application. Ionic, on the other hand, uses web-based UI components, which may not provide the same level of native experience.


Both React Native and Ionic offer customization options for UI components. However, React Native's native components allow for more fine-grained customization, giving developers more control over the appearance and behavior of their applications.

Third-Party Libraries

React Native has a vast ecosystem of third-party libraries and plugins, allowing developers to extend the functionality of their applications. Ionic also has a wide range of plugins and extensions, but the availability may be relatively smaller compared to React Native.

Platform Support

Cross-platform frameworks are popular because they allow developers to target multiple platforms with a single codebase. Let's compare React Native and Ionic in terms of their support for iOS, Android, and the web.


Both React Native and Ionic provide excellent support for iOS. Developers can build and deploy iOS applications using either framework with ease.


Similarly, React Native and Ionic both have strong support for Android. Developers can build and deploy Android applications using either framework.


While both React Native and Ionic support web development, Ionic has better support for web applications. Ionic's web-based components and the ability to leverage Angular's capabilities make it a better choice for web development.

Community and Ecosystem

The community and ecosystem surrounding a framework can significantly impact a developer's experience. Let's compare React Native and Ionic based on the developer community, available plugins and extensions, and learning resources.

Developer Community

React Native has a larger and more active developer community compared to Ionic. This means that there is a vast pool of knowledge, expertise, and support available for React Native developers.

Available Plugins and Extensions

React Native has a vast ecosystem of plugins and extensions, allowing developers to leverage existing solutions and accelerate development. Ionic also has a wide range of plugins and extensions, but the availability may be relatively smaller compared to React Native.

Learning Resources

React Native has extensive documentation, official guides, and a wealth of learning resources available online. The larger community also means that there are more tutorials, articles, and online courses available for React Native. Ionic also has sufficient learning resources, but the availability may be relatively smaller compared to React Native.


In conclusion, React Native and Ionic are both powerful cross-platform frameworks for building mobile applications. React Native offers better performance, a more extensive developer community, and a larger ecosystem of plugins and extensions. It also provides a more native look and feel and better support for iOS and Android platforms. On the other hand, Ionic has a more straightforward development experience for web developers and better support for web applications.

Ultimately, the choice between React Native and Ionic depends on the specific requirements and preferences of the development team. Developers who prioritize performance, native look and feel, and a thriving community may find React Native to be the best fit. Those who prioritize a simpler development experience for web developers and better web application support may find Ionic to be the better choice.

Regardless of the chosen framework, both React Native and Ionic offer powerful tools and capabilities for building cross-platform mobile applications. With the right skills and resources, developers can create stunning and feature-rich applications that delight users on multiple platforms.