React vs Angular: A Performance Comparison

In this tutorial, we will compare the performance of two popular JavaScript frameworks: React and Angular. As software developers, it is crucial to understand the performance implications of our technology choices. By comparing React and Angular, we can make informed decisions about which framework is best suited for our projects.

react angular performance comparison


What is React?

React is a JavaScript library developed by Facebook for building user interfaces. It allows developers to create reusable UI components and efficiently update them when the underlying data changes. React uses a virtual DOM (Document Object Model) to efficiently update only the necessary parts of the user interface, resulting in a faster and more responsive web application.

What is Angular?

Angular is a TypeScript-based open-source framework developed by Google for building web applications. It provides a comprehensive set of tools and features for building complex applications. Angular follows a declarative approach to building user interfaces and uses a reactive programming model to efficiently update the UI when the data changes.

Why compare React and Angular?

React and Angular are two of the most popular frameworks for building web applications. Both have their strengths and weaknesses, and understanding their performance characteristics will help developers make informed decisions when choosing a framework for their projects. By comparing the loading time, rendering speed, memory usage, and bundle size of React and Angular, we can determine which framework performs better in each aspect.

Performance Metrics

Before diving into the performance comparison, let's define the metrics we will use to evaluate React and Angular:

  • Loading Time: The time it takes for the framework to load and initialize.
  • Rendering Speed: The time it takes for the framework to update the UI in response to data changes.
  • Memory Usage: The amount of memory consumed by the framework during runtime.
  • Bundle Size: The size of the framework's JavaScript files when bundled for production.

React Performance

Advantages of React

React has several performance advantages that make it a popular choice for building high-performance web applications. Some of these advantages include:

  • Virtual DOM: React uses a virtual DOM to efficiently update only the necessary parts of the UI when the underlying data changes. This results in faster rendering and improved user experience.
  • Component-Based Architecture: React encourages developers to build their applications as a collection of reusable components. This modular approach simplifies development and improves performance by enabling efficient rendering and re-rendering of components.
  • React.memo(): React provides a memoization function called React.memo() that can be used to memoize the result of a component's rendering. This improves performance by preventing unnecessary re-renders of components that have not changed.

Performance Optimization Techniques

To optimize the performance of a React application, developers can employ several techniques:

  • Use React.memo() to memoize the result of a component's rendering and prevent unnecessary re-renders.
  • Use the shouldComponentUpdate() lifecycle method or PureComponent to prevent unnecessary re-renders of components.
  • Use the React Profiler to identify performance bottlenecks and optimize the rendering process.
  • Implement code splitting to reduce the initial bundle size and improve loading time.
  • Use server-side rendering (SSR) to improve time to first paint and initial loading time.

Case Studies

Several case studies have shown the performance benefits of using React. For example, Airbnb reported a 50% reduction in page load time after migrating their search results page to React. Similarly, Instagram reported a 60% reduction in time spent on the server-rendering phase after adopting React for their web application.

Angular Performance

Advantages of Angular

Angular also has several performance advantages that make it a strong contender for building high-performance web applications. Some of these advantages include:

  • Ahead-of-Time (AOT) Compilation: Angular performs AOT compilation, which converts the application's TypeScript code into efficient JavaScript code during the build process. This results in faster loading and rendering times.
  • Change Detection: Angular uses a reactive programming model and a change detection mechanism to efficiently update the UI when the underlying data changes. This ensures that only the necessary parts of the UI are updated, improving rendering speed.
  • Angular Universal: Angular provides a server-side rendering solution called Angular Universal. This improves the time to first paint and initial loading time of the application.

Performance Optimization Techniques

To optimize the performance of an Angular application, developers can employ several techniques:

  • Use Angular's change detection mechanism effectively by minimizing the number of bindings and avoiding unnecessary data changes.
  • Use Angular's AOT compilation to generate optimized JavaScript code that loads and renders faster.
  • Implement lazy loading to reduce the initial bundle size and improve loading time.
  • Use Angular Universal to enable server-side rendering and improve time to first paint and initial loading time.

Case Studies

Several case studies have shown the performance benefits of using Angular. For example, Forbes reported a 100% improvement in mobile page load time after migrating their mobile website to Angular. Similarly, Google's DoubleClick for Publishers (DFP) saw a 60% reduction in load time after migrating their ad creation tool to Angular.

Comparison Results

Loading Time Comparison

To compare the loading time of React and Angular, we can measure the time it takes for the framework to load and initialize. This can be done by creating two separate projects, one with React and the other with Angular, and measuring the time it takes for each project to load in a browser.

Rendering Speed Comparison

To compare the rendering speed of React and Angular, we can measure the time it takes for the framework to update the UI in response to data changes. This can be done by creating a benchmark application that updates a large number of UI components and measuring the time it takes for each framework to complete the updates.

Memory Usage Comparison

To compare the memory usage of React and Angular, we can measure the amount of memory consumed by each framework during runtime. This can be done by using browser developer tools to monitor the memory usage of a sample application built with React and another with Angular.

Bundle Size Comparison

To compare the bundle size of React and Angular, we can measure the size of the framework's JavaScript files when bundled for production. This can be done by using build tools like Webpack or Parcel to bundle a sample application built with React and another with Angular, and comparing the size of the resulting bundles.


In this tutorial, we compared the performance of React and Angular, two popular JavaScript frameworks for building web applications. We explored the advantages and performance optimization techniques of each framework, as well as case studies that highlight their performance benefits. We also discussed the comparison results in terms of loading time, rendering speed, memory usage, and bundle size. By understanding the performance characteristics of React and Angular, software developers can make informed decisions when choosing a framework for their projects.