Introduction to React Context API

In this tutorial, we will explore the React Context API and learn how to use it in our React applications. The React Context API provides a way to share data between components without passing props manually at every level of the component tree. We will cover topics such as creating a context, using the Provider and Consumer components, updating context values, creating nested contexts, comparing Context API with Redux, and best practices for using the Context API.

introduction react context api

What is React Context API?


The React Context API is a feature introduced in React version 16.3. It allows you to share data between components without the need to pass props manually through every level of the component tree. This can be particularly useful when dealing with deeply nested components or when needing to pass data through multiple intermediate components.

Why use Context API?

The Context API simplifies the process of sharing data between components. Instead of passing props down through each level of the component tree, you can define a context and access it within any component that needs the shared data. This can greatly reduce the amount of boilerplate code required and make your codebase more maintainable.

How does Context API work?

The Context API works by creating a "context" object that contains the shared data. This context object can be accessed by any component within the component tree that is wrapped by a "Provider" component. The Provider component is responsible for providing the context to its child components. The child components can then access the context using the "Consumer" component.

Creating a Context

To create a context, we can use the createContext() function provided by the React module. This function returns an object that contains both a Provider and a Consumer component. We can store this object in a variable and use it to define our context.

import React from 'react';

const MyContext = React.createContext();

The MyContext object now contains the Provider and Consumer components that we can use to share data within our application.

Using Context in Components

Consuming Context in a Component

To consume the context in a component, we need to wrap the component with the Consumer component provided by the context. The Consumer component takes a function as its child and provides the context value as an argument to that function. We can then access the context value within the component.

import React from 'react';
import MyContext from './MyContext';

const MyComponent = () => (
    {value => (

In this example, the MyComponent component is wrapped with the Consumer component from the MyContext object. The context value is passed to the function within the Consumer component as an argument, and we can render it within the component.

Updating Context values

To update the context values, we need to use the Provider component provided by the context. The Provider component takes a value prop, which represents the current value of the context. When the value prop changes, all components that consume the context will be re-rendered with the updated value.

import React, { useState } from 'react';
import MyContext from './MyContext';

const App = () => {
  const [value, setValue] = useState('Initial value');

  const updateValue = () => {
    setValue('Updated value');

  return (
    <MyContext.Provider value={value}>
        <button onClick={updateValue}>Update Value</button>
        <MyComponent />

In this example, the App component uses the useState hook to manage the state of the context value. When the "Update Value" button is clicked, the updateValue function is called, which updates the state and triggers a re-render of the components consuming the context.

Nested Contexts

Creating nested Contexts

Nested contexts can be useful when you have different sections of your application that require their own separate context. To create a nested context, you can simply define a new context within a component that already has access to a parent context.

import React from 'react';

const ParentContext = React.createContext();
const ChildContext = React.createContext();

In this example, we create a ParentContext and a ChildContext within the same component. The ChildContext is nested within the ParentContext.

Consuming nested Contexts

To consume a nested context, we can use the Consumer component of each context within the respective component.

import React from 'react';
import { ParentContext, ChildContext } from './contexts';

const MyComponent = () => (
    {parentValue => (
        {childValue => (
            <div>Parent Value: {parentValue}</div>
            <div>Child Value: {childValue}</div>

In this example, the MyComponent component consumes both the ParentContext and the ChildContext. The values of both contexts are passed to the respective functions within the Consumer components, and we can render them within the component.

Context API vs Redux

Comparison of features

Both the Context API and Redux are state management solutions for React applications, but they have some key differences.

Context API

  • Simpler setup and usage compared to Redux.
  • Built-in support in React, no need to install additional libraries.
  • Suitable for small to medium-sized applications with simple state management needs.
  • Can be used to share data between components without the need for prop drilling.
  • Provides a way to update context values using the Provider component.


  • More complex setup and usage compared to the Context API.
  • Requires additional libraries and middleware such as react-redux and redux-thunk.
  • Suitable for large-scale applications with complex state management needs.
  • Provides a global state accessible from any component.
  • Utilizes actions and reducers to update the state.

When to use Context API or Redux

The choice between using the Context API or Redux depends on the specific requirements of your application. If you have a small to medium-sized application with simple state management needs, the Context API can be a suitable choice. It provides a simpler and more lightweight solution compared to Redux.

On the other hand, if you have a large-scale application with complex state management needs, or if you require advanced features such as middleware and time-travel debugging, Redux may be a better fit. Redux provides a more robust and scalable solution for managing global state.

Best Practices

Avoiding excessive nesting

When using the Context API, it's important to avoid excessive nesting of context providers and consumers. Excessive nesting can lead to performance issues and make the code harder to maintain. Instead, try to find a balance between providing enough context to the components that need it and separating concerns.

Separating concerns

Another best practice is to separate concerns by using multiple contexts instead of a single global context. This can make your code more modular and easier to reason about. Each context should represent a specific piece of data or functionality, allowing you to manage and update them independently.


In this tutorial, we learned about the React Context API and how to use it in our React applications. We explored topics such as creating a context, using the Provider and Consumer components, updating context values, creating nested contexts, comparing the Context API with Redux, and best practices for using the Context API. The Context API provides a convenient way to share data between components without the need for prop drilling, making our codebase more maintainable and easier to work with.