Exploring Kotlin's Reflection API

This tutorial will explore Kotlin's Reflection API, which allows software developers to access and manipulate class information at runtime. We will discuss the importance of reflection in Kotlin and provide step-by-step instructions on how to use the Reflection API. Additionally, we will cover topics such as accessing class information, working with properties, invoking functions, exploring annotations, and advanced reflection techniques.

exploring kotlins reflection api


Kotlin's Reflection API provides a powerful toolset for accessing and manipulating class information at runtime. Reflection allows developers to inspect and modify properties, invoke functions, and retrieve annotations dynamically. This can be particularly useful in scenarios where the structure of the code is not known beforehand, such as when developing libraries or frameworks.

Getting Started

To begin using Kotlin's Reflection API, you need to add the Reflection API dependency to your project. You can do this by adding the following line to your project's build.gradle file:

dependencies {
    implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-reflect:1.5.0"

Next, let's create a basic Kotlin class that we will use to demonstrate the various features of the Reflection API:

class Person(val name: String, val age: Int) {
    fun sayHello() {
        println("Hello, my name is $name and I am $age years old.")

Accessing Class Information

The first step in using the Reflection API is to obtain a reference to the class you want to work with. This can be done using the ::class syntax:

val personClass = Person::class

Once you have a reference to the class, you can retrieve information about its properties and constructors.

Retrieving Class Properties

To retrieve the properties of a class, you can use the declaredMemberProperties property:

val properties = personClass.declaredMemberProperties
for (property in properties) {

This will print the names of all properties defined in the Person class.

Accessing Class Constructors

To access the constructors of a class, you can use the constructors property:

val constructors = personClass.constructors
for (constructor in constructors) {

This will print the parameters of each constructor defined in the Person class.

Working with Properties

Once you have a reference to a class and its properties, you can get and set property values, check property accessibility, and modify property visibility.

Getting and Setting Property Values

To get and set the values of a property, you can use the get and set functions:

val person = Person("John Doe", 30)
val nameProperty = personClass.declaredMemberProperties.find { it.name == "name" }
val nameValue = nameProperty?.get(person)

nameProperty?.set(person, "Jane Smith")

This will print the initial value of the name property and then update it to a new value.

Checking Property Accessibility

You can check whether a property is accessible using the isAccessible property:

val ageProperty = personClass.declaredMemberProperties.find { it.name == "age" }

This will print true if the age property is accessible, and false otherwise.

Modifying Property Visibility

To modify the visibility of a property, you can use the isAccessible property and the isAccessible function:

ageProperty?.isAccessible = true

This will set the isAccessible property of the age property to true, allowing you to access and modify its value.

Invoking Functions

Kotlin's Reflection API also allows you to invoke functions dynamically, passing arguments and handling exceptions.

Calling Functions Dynamically

To call a function dynamically, you can use the call function:

val sayHelloFunction = personClass.declaredMemberFunctions.find { it.name == "sayHello" }

This will invoke the sayHello function on the person object.

Passing Arguments to Functions

If the function has parameters, you can pass arguments to it using the call function:

val setNameFunction = personClass.declaredMemberFunctions.find { it.name == "setName" }
setNameFunction?.call(person, "Alice")

This will set the name property of the person object to "Alice".

Handling Function Exceptions

When invoking a function dynamically, you can handle any exceptions that may be thrown using a try-catch block:

val throwExceptionFunction = personClass.declaredMemberFunctions.find { it.name == "throwException" }
try {
} catch (e: Exception) {

This will catch and print the exception message thrown by the throwException function.

Exploring Annotations

Annotations in Kotlin can also be accessed and manipulated using the Reflection API.

Retrieving Annotations

To retrieve annotations applied to a class, property, or function, you can use the annotations property:

val annotations = personClass.annotations
for (annotation in annotations) {

This will print all the annotations applied to the Person class.

Applying Annotations at Runtime

You can also apply annotations to a class, property, or function at runtime using the Reflection API:

annotation class MyAnnotation

val nameProperty = personClass.declaredMemberProperties.find { it.name == "name" }

val myAnnotation = nameProperty?.annotations?.find { it is MyAnnotation }

This will add the MyAnnotation annotation to the name property and then retrieve it.

Advanced Reflection Techniques

Kotlin's Reflection API provides advanced techniques for working with generics and creating dynamic proxies.

Working with Generics

To work with generic types using the Reflection API, you can use the starProjectedType property:

val listType = List::class.starProjectedType

This will print the type information of the List class, including its generic type parameter.

Creating Dynamic Proxies

You can create dynamic proxies using the Reflection API to intercept and modify method invocations:

interface MyInterface {
    fun myFunction()

class MyInterfaceProxy : InvocationHandler {
    override fun invoke(proxy: Any, method: Method, args: Array<out Any>?): Any? {
        println("Before method invocation")
        val result = method.invoke(MyInterfaceImpl(), args)
        println("After method invocation")
        return result

val proxy = Proxy.newProxyInstance(
) as MyInterface


This will create a dynamic proxy for the MyInterface interface and intercept method invocations.


In this tutorial, we have explored Kotlin's Reflection API and learned how it can be used to access and manipulate class information at runtime. We have covered topics such as accessing class information, working with properties, invoking functions, exploring annotations, and advanced reflection techniques. By leveraging the Reflection API, developers can create more flexible and dynamic applications in Kotlin.