Exploring Kotlin's Extension Properties

In this tutorial, we will explore Kotlin's extension properties and learn how to define, access, and work with them. We will also discuss the advantages of using extension properties, the differences between extension properties and extension functions, and the limitations and best practices for using extension properties.

exploring kotlins extension properties

What are extension properties?

Extension properties in Kotlin allow you to add properties to existing classes or interfaces without modifying their source code. This means that you can extend the functionality of a class or interface by adding new properties to it. Extension properties are similar to regular properties, but they are defined outside the class or interface they extend.

Advantages of using extension properties

Using extension properties in your Kotlin code offers several advantages. Firstly, it allows you to add properties to classes or interfaces from external libraries or APIs without modifying their source code. This makes it easier to work with third-party code and reduces the risk of introducing bugs or breaking changes.

Secondly, extension properties help improve the readability and maintainability of your code. By adding properties directly to classes or interfaces, you can make your code more self-contained and intuitive. This can lead to cleaner and more concise code, making it easier to understand and maintain.

Defining Extension Properties

To define an extension property in Kotlin, you need to use the val or var keyword followed by the name of the property and its type. The property should be defined in a separate file or class, outside the class or interface you want to extend.

// ExtensionProperties.kt

val String.isPalindrome: Boolean
    get() {
        // code to check if the string is a palindrome

In the example above, we define an extension property isPalindrome for the String class. The property is of type Boolean and is calculated based on whether the string is a palindrome or not.

Syntax for defining extension properties

The syntax for defining an extension property is similar to that of regular properties. However, instead of defining the property inside a class or interface, it is defined outside and prefixed with the name of the class or interface it extends, followed by a dot.

val <ClassName>.<propertyName>: <PropertyType>
    get() {
        // code to calculate the property value

The property can have a custom getter or setter, just like regular properties. In the case of extension properties, the getter or setter is defined using the get() or set() function, respectively.

Accessing extension properties

Once you have defined an extension property, you can access it just like any other property of the class or interface it extends. To access an extension property, use the dot notation followed by the property name.

val text = "level"
if (text.isPalindrome) {
    // code to execute if the text is a palindrome

In the example above, we access the isPalindrome extension property of the String class and use it in an if condition to check if the text variable is a palindrome.

Working with Extension Properties

Extension properties can be used in both classes and interfaces. Let's explore how to use extension properties in each of these scenarios.

Using extension properties in classes

To use an extension property in a class, simply import the file or class where the extension property is defined and access it like any other property.

import com.example.ExtensionProperties.isPalindrome

class MyClass {
    fun checkPalindrome(text: String) {
        if (text.isPalindrome) {
            // code to execute if the text is a palindrome

In the example above, we import the isPalindrome extension property from the com.example.ExtensionProperties file and use it in the checkPalindrome method of the MyClass class.

Using extension properties in interfaces

Extension properties can also be used in interfaces. To do this, define the extension property in a separate file or class and implement the interface in the class where you want to use the extension property.

import com.example.ExtensionProperties.isPalindrome

interface MyInterface {
    fun checkPalindrome(text: String) {
        if (text.isPalindrome) {
            // code to execute if the text is a palindrome

class MyClass : MyInterface {
    // implementation of the interface

In the example above, we define the isPalindrome extension property in the com.example.ExtensionProperties file and use it in the checkPalindrome method of the MyInterface interface. We then implement the MyInterface interface in the MyClass class.

Extension Properties vs Extension Functions

Extension properties in Kotlin are similar to extension functions, but there are some key differences between the two. Let's explore these differences and discuss when to use extension properties and when to use extension functions.

Differences between extension properties and extension functions

The main difference between extension properties and extension functions is that extension properties allow you to add new properties to a class or interface, while extension functions allow you to add new functions. Extension properties can have custom getters and setters, just like regular properties, while extension functions can have custom implementations.

Another difference is the way they are accessed. Extension properties are accessed using the dot notation, just like regular properties, while extension functions are called using the function call syntax.

Choosing between extension properties and extension functions

When deciding between extension properties and extension functions, consider the nature of the functionality you want to add. If the functionality can be expressed as a property, such as calculating a value based on the state of an object, extension properties are a good choice. On the other hand, if the functionality involves performing an action or operation on an object, extension functions are more appropriate.

Limitations of Extension Properties

While extension properties offer many benefits, there are some limitations to be aware of. The scope of extension properties is limited to the file or class where they are defined. This means that extension properties cannot be accessed from other files or classes unless they are imported or implemented.

Scope of extension properties

Extension properties are scoped to the file or class where they are defined. This means that if you define an extension property in a file, it can only be accessed from other files if it is imported. Similarly, if you define an extension property in a class, it can only be accessed from other classes if the class is imported or implemented.

Restrictions on extension properties

There are also some restrictions on the use of extension properties. Extension properties cannot have backing fields, as they are calculated on the fly. This means that you cannot assign or modify the value of an extension property directly. Instead, you need to define custom getters and setters to calculate or modify the property value.

Best Practices for Using Extension Properties

To ensure the effective and efficient use of extension properties in your Kotlin code, follow these best practices.

Naming conventions for extension properties

When naming extension properties, use a clear and descriptive name that accurately reflects the functionality it provides. Avoid generic or ambiguous names that can lead to confusion or misuse.

Avoiding misuse of extension properties

While extension properties can be powerful tools for extending the functionality of classes and interfaces, they should be used judiciously. Avoid using extension properties for functionalities that can be better expressed as regular properties or functions. Use extension properties only when they provide a clear and intuitive way to extend the functionality of a class or interface.


In this tutorial, we explored Kotlin's extension properties and learned how to define, access, and work with them. We discussed the advantages of using extension properties, the differences between extension properties and extension functions, and the limitations and best practices for using extension properties. By leveraging extension properties in your Kotlin code, you can extend the functionality of classes and interfaces in a cleaner and more maintainable way.