Exploring Kotlin's Contracts

In this tutorial, we will explore Kotlin's contracts feature, which allows developers to specify preconditions and postconditions for functions. We will discuss what Kotlin contracts are, why they are useful, the basic syntax for defining contracts, how contracts can be inherited and overridden, limitations of contracts, and provide examples of different types of contracts. Additionally, we will discuss best practices for using contracts and when to use them.

exploring kotlins contracts improve code safety

What are Kotlin Contracts?

Kotlin contracts are a feature introduced in Kotlin 1.3 that allow developers to specify preconditions and postconditions for functions. Preconditions define the requirements that must be met before a function can be executed, while postconditions define the guarantees that are ensured after the function has been executed. Contracts are a way to provide additional information to the compiler, allowing it to perform more advanced static analysis and optimize the code.

Why are contracts useful?

Contracts are useful for several reasons. Firstly, they provide better documentation for functions by explicitly stating the requirements and guarantees. This makes it easier for other developers to understand how to use the function correctly and what to expect from it. Secondly, contracts enable the compiler to perform more advanced static analysis, allowing it to make better optimizations and generate more efficient code. Finally, contracts can help catch programming errors early by providing compile-time checks for certain conditions, reducing the likelihood of runtime errors.

Basic Syntax

To define a contract in Kotlin, we use the contract keyword followed by the contract clauses. Contract clauses are defined using the callsInPlace and returns keywords. The callsInPlace clause specifies the preconditions of the function, while the returns clause specifies the postconditions.

contract {
    callsInPlace(predicate, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE)

In the callsInPlace clause, we specify a predicate that represents the precondition of the function. The InvocationKind parameter specifies how the function is called. In the returns clause, we specify the result of the function, which represents the postcondition.

Defining a contract

To define a contract for a function, we use the @ExperimentalContracts annotation to enable experimental contracts. Then, we can use the contract block to define the contract clauses for the function.

fun functionName(parameter: Type): ReturnType {
    contract {
        callsInPlace(predicate, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE)
    // function implementation

In the code snippet above, we have a function named functionName that takes a parameter of type Type and returns a value of type ReturnType. The contract block is used to define the contract for the function.

Contract clauses

There are several types of contract clauses that can be used to define preconditions and postconditions. Some common contract clauses include:

  • callsInPlace(predicate, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE): Specifies the precondition of the function. The predicate represents the condition that must be true before the function can be executed. The InvocationKind parameter specifies how the function is called.

  • returns(result): Specifies the postcondition of the function. The result represents the value that the function is guaranteed to return.

  • effect: Specifies side effects that are guaranteed to happen when the function is called.

Contract Inheritance

Contracts can be inherited and overridden in Kotlin. When a child class overrides a function with a contract, it can either keep the contract as is or provide a new contract. This allows for more specialized contracts to be defined in subclasses.

Inheriting contracts

By default, when a function is overridden in a child class, the contract from the parent class is inherited. This means that the child class will have the same preconditions and postconditions as the parent class.

open class Parent {
    open fun functionName(parameter: Type): ReturnType {
        contract {
            callsInPlace(predicate, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE)
        // function implementation

class Child : Parent() {
    // inherits the contract from the parent class

In the code snippet above, the Child class inherits the contract from the Parent class. This means that the Child class will have the same preconditions and postconditions as the Parent class.

Overriding contracts

In some cases, a child class may need to provide a more specialized contract than the one inherited from the parent class. This can be done by overriding the function and providing a new contract.

open class Parent {
    open fun functionName(parameter: Type): ReturnType {
        contract {
            callsInPlace(predicate, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE)
        // function implementation

class Child : Parent() {
    override fun functionName(parameter: Type): ReturnType {
        contract {
            callsInPlace(specializedPredicate, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE)
        // function implementation

In the code snippet above, the Child class overrides the functionName function and provides a new contract. The new contract has a specialized precondition and postcondition that are different from the ones defined in the Parent class.

Contract Limitations

While contracts provide a powerful tool for specifying preconditions and postconditions, there are some limitations to be aware of. These limitations include unsupported scenarios and potential pitfalls.

Unsupported scenarios

There are certain scenarios where contracts are not supported. For example, contracts cannot be used with functions that have type parameters or functions that are defined in interfaces. Additionally, contracts cannot be used with functions that are defined in external libraries.

Potential pitfalls

When using contracts, it is important to be aware of potential pitfalls. One common pitfall is overusing contracts, which can lead to code that is hard to understand and maintain. It is important to use contracts judiciously and only when they provide significant benefits. Additionally, contracts can introduce additional complexity and may require additional testing to ensure that they are correct.

Contract Examples

To illustrate the usage of contracts, let's look at a couple of examples.

Example 1: Non-null contract

In this example, we will define a contract that specifies that a function should not return null.

fun getLength(str: String?): Int {
    contract {
        callsInPlace({ str != null }, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE)
        returns() implies (result != null)
    return str?.length ?: 0

In the code snippet above, the getLength function has a contract that specifies that the str parameter should not be null. The callsInPlace clause checks if str is not null, and the returns clause guarantees that the result is not null if the function returns.

Example 2: Range contract

In this example, we will define a contract that specifies that a function should return a value within a certain range.

fun clamp(value: Int, min: Int, max: Int): Int {
    contract {
        callsInPlace({ value in min..max }, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE)
        returns() implies (result in min..max)
    return when {
        value < min -> min
        value > max -> max
        else -> value

In the code snippet above, the clamp function has a contract that specifies that the value parameter should be within the range specified by min and max. The callsInPlace clause checks if value is within the range, and the returns clause guarantees that the result is within the range if the function returns.

Best Practices

When using contracts in Kotlin, it is important to follow some best practices to ensure that they are used effectively.

When to use contracts

Contracts should be used when they provide significant benefits in terms of documentation, optimization, or error prevention. They are particularly useful when the function has complex requirements or guarantees that are not obvious from the function signature alone.

Avoiding excessive contracts

It is important to avoid excessive use of contracts, as they can make the code harder to understand and maintain. Contracts should be used judiciously and only when they provide significant benefits. It is also important to consider the potential pitfalls and limitations of contracts when deciding whether to use them.


In this tutorial, we have explored Kotlin's contracts feature, which allows developers to specify preconditions and postconditions for functions. We discussed what Kotlin contracts are, why they are useful, the basic syntax for defining contracts, how contracts can be inherited and overridden, limitations of contracts, and provided examples of different types of contracts. Additionally, we discussed best practices for using contracts and when to use them. By using contracts effectively, developers can provide better documentation, enable better optimizations, and reduce the likelihood of runtime errors.