10 Essential React Native Developer Tools for Debugging

In this tutorial, we will explore 10 essential developer tools for debugging React Native applications. Debugging is a crucial part of the development process as it helps identify and fix issues in the code, improving the overall quality and performance of the application. We will cover each tool's installation process, features, and provide examples of how to debug with them.

essential react native developer tools debugging


What is React Native?

React Native is a popular framework for building cross-platform mobile applications using JavaScript. It allows developers to write code once and deploy it on multiple platforms, such as iOS and Android. React Native uses a declarative syntax and a virtual DOM, similar to React, to efficiently update the user interface.

Importance of Debugging in React Native Development

Debugging is an essential part of the development process, as it helps identify and fix issues in the code. React Native provides several tools specifically designed for debugging, making it easier for developers to find and resolve bugs. These tools offer features like real-time code inspection, performance monitoring, and state management, helping developers streamline their debugging process.

1. React Native Debugger

React Native Debugger is a standalone app for debugging React Native applications. It provides a set of tools and features to inspect and debug React Native code.


To install React Native Debugger, you can use a package manager like npm or yarn:

npm install -g react-native-debugger


React Native Debugger offers various features, including:

  • Real-time code inspection: Allows you to inspect and debug React Native code in real-time.
  • Redux integration: Provides support for debugging Redux actions and state.
  • Network inspection: Helps you monitor network requests and responses made by your application.
  • Performance profiling: Allows you to analyze the performance of your application and identify bottlenecks.

Debugging with React Native Debugger

To debug your React Native application using React Native Debugger, follow these steps:

  1. Start your React Native application in debug mode:
react-native start
  1. Open React Native Debugger:
open "rndebugger://set-debugger-loc?host=localhost&port=8081"
  1. In React Native Debugger, you can now inspect your application's code, check the Redux state, monitor network requests, and analyze performance.

2. Reactotron

Reactotron is a desktop application for inspecting and debugging React and React Native applications. It provides a range of features to help you debug your application effectively.


To install Reactotron, you can use a package manager like npm or yarn:

npm install --save-dev reactotron-react-native


Reactotron offers various features, including:

  • State inspection: Allows you to monitor and inspect the state of your application.
  • Logging: Provides a logging feature to help you track the flow of your application's execution.
  • Network inspection: Helps you monitor network requests and responses.
  • AsyncStorage viewer: Allows you to inspect and modify the AsyncStorage of your application.

Debugging with Reactotron

To debug your React Native application using Reactotron, follow these steps:

  1. Import and initialize Reactotron in your application's entry point file:
import Reactotron from 'reactotron-react-native';

  1. Start your React Native application.

  2. Open Reactotron on your desktop.

  3. In Reactotron, you can now inspect the state, view logs, monitor network requests, and access the AsyncStorage viewer.

3. Flipper

Flipper is a debugging tool developed by Facebook. It provides a range of debugging features for React Native, including performance profiling and network inspection.


To install Flipper, you can follow the official installation guide provided by the Flipper team.


Flipper offers various features, including:

  • Performance profiling: Allows you to analyze the performance of your React Native application.
  • Network inspection: Helps you monitor network requests and responses made by your application.
  • Layout inspection: Allows you to inspect the layout hierarchy and properties of your application's components.

Debugging with Flipper

To debug your React Native application using Flipper, follow these steps:

  1. Start your React Native application.

  2. Open Flipper on your desktop.

  3. In Flipper, you can now analyze the performance, monitor network requests, and inspect the layout of your application.

4. Redux DevTools

Redux DevTools is a debugging tool specifically designed for Redux applications. It provides a range of features to help you debug the state and actions of your React Native application.


To install Redux DevTools, you can use a package manager like npm or yarn:

npm install --save-dev redux-devtools-extension


Redux DevTools offers various features, including:

  • State inspection: Allows you to monitor and inspect the state of your Redux store.
  • Time-travel debugging: Helps you navigate through the history of state changes and debug specific actions.
  • Action recording: Allows you to record and replay actions for debugging purposes.

Debugging with Redux DevTools

To debug your React Native application using Redux DevTools, follow these steps:

  1. Import and apply the Redux DevTools extension in your Redux store configuration:
import { createStore } from 'redux';
import { composeWithDevTools } from 'redux-devtools-extension';

const store = createStore(reducer, composeWithDevTools());
  1. Start your React Native application.

  2. Open Redux DevTools in your browser.

  3. In Redux DevTools, you can now inspect the state, navigate through the history of actions, and record/replay actions.

5. React Native Inspector

React Native Inspector is a tool that provides a visual interface to inspect and debug React Native components. It allows you to view the layout hierarchy, inspect component properties, and modify styles.


React Native Inspector is included by default in React Native, so no additional installation is required.


React Native Inspector offers various features, including:

  • Layout inspection: Allows you to inspect the layout hierarchy of your React Native components.
  • Property inspection: Helps you inspect the properties and styles of your React Native components.
  • Style modification: Allows you to modify component styles in real-time for debugging purposes.

Debugging with React Native Inspector

To debug your React Native application using React Native Inspector, follow these steps:

  1. Start your React Native application.

  2. Shake your device or press Cmd+D (iOS) or Cmd+M (Android) to open the React Native Developer Menu.

  3. Select "Toggle Inspector" from the menu.

  4. In React Native Inspector, you can now inspect the layout hierarchy, view component properties, and modify styles.

6. React Native Debugger UI

React Native Debugger UI is a user interface for React Native Debugger, providing a more user-friendly experience for debugging React Native applications. It offers a range of tools and features to inspect and debug React Native code.


To install React Native Debugger UI, you can follow the official installation guide provided by the React Native Debugger team.


React Native Debugger UI offers various features, including:

  • Real-time code inspection: Allows you to inspect and debug React Native code in real-time.
  • Redux integration: Provides support for debugging Redux actions and state.
  • Performance profiling: Allows you to analyze the performance of your application and identify bottlenecks.

Debugging with React Native Debugger UI

To debug your React Native application using React Native Debugger UI, follow these steps:

  1. Start your React Native application in debug mode:
react-native start
  1. Open React Native Debugger UI.

  2. In React Native Debugger UI, you can now inspect your application's code, check the Redux state, and analyze performance.


In this tutorial, we explored 10 essential developer tools for debugging React Native applications. These tools provide various features to help you identify and fix issues in your code, improving the quality and performance of your application. By utilizing these tools, you can streamline your debugging process and deliver high-quality React Native applications. Remember to choose the tools that best suit your needs and preferences as a developer. Happy debugging!