Building a Responsive Dashboard with Svelte

This tutorial will guide you through the process of building a responsive dashboard using the Svelte framework. A responsive dashboard allows users to access and interact with data on multiple devices, ensuring a seamless user experience. Svelte is an ideal choice for building dashboards due to its efficient rendering and easy-to-use reactive programming model.

building responsive dashboard sveltejs


What is a responsive dashboard?

A responsive dashboard is a web application that provides an interactive and visually appealing interface for displaying and analyzing data. It adapts to different screen sizes and devices, ensuring optimal usability and readability. The dashboard typically consists of various components such as charts, tables, and widgets, which allow users to view and manipulate data in real-time.

Why use Svelte for building dashboards?

Svelte is a modern JavaScript framework that compiles your code to highly optimized JavaScript at build time. It offers a reactive programming model, which means that changes to the application's state automatically update the user interface. This makes Svelte perfect for building dashboards, as it allows for efficient rendering and seamless data updates. Additionally, Svelte's small bundle size and fast load times contribute to a smooth user experience.

Setting up the project

Installing Svelte

To get started, you'll need to have Node.js installed on your machine. Open your terminal and run the following command to install the Svelte project template:

npx degit sveltejs/template svelte-dashboard

This will create a new directory called svelte-dashboard with the basic project structure.

Creating the project structure

Next, navigate to the svelte-dashboard directory and install the project dependencies:

cd svelte-dashboard
npm install

This will install the necessary packages for building the dashboard.

Designing the dashboard layout

Choosing a responsive grid system

A responsive grid system helps in creating a flexible and adaptable layout for the dashboard. One popular choice is the CSS Grid Layout. To use it, create a new file called Grid.svelte in the src directory:

<!-- src/Grid.svelte -->
  .grid {
    display: grid;
    grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fit, minmax(250px, 1fr));
    gap: 20px;

<div class="grid">

The Grid component defines a CSS grid layout with a responsive number of columns. The slot element allows other components to be placed within the grid.

Creating the main layout

In the src directory, create a new file called Dashboard.svelte:

<!-- src/Dashboard.svelte -->
  import Grid from './Grid.svelte';

  <!-- Add components and widgets here -->

The Dashboard component serves as the main layout for the dashboard. It imports the Grid component and places all other components and widgets within it.

Adding components and widgets

Now, let's create a sample component to display a chart. Create a new file called Chart.svelte in the src directory:

<!-- src/Chart.svelte -->
  export let data;

<canvas bind:this="{chartCanvas}"></canvas>

  import { onMount } from 'svelte';

  let chartCanvas;

  onMount(() => {
    // Code to render the chart

The Chart component expects a data prop, which will be used to render the chart. The onMount lifecycle function is used to initialize the chart on component mount.

Fetching and displaying data

Making API requests

To fetch data from an API, create a new file called api.js in the src directory:

// src/api.js
export async function fetchData() {
  const response = await fetch('');
  const data = await response.json();
  return data;

The fetchData function makes an HTTP request to an API endpoint and returns the response as JSON.

Handling data loading states

In the Dashboard.svelte component, import the fetchData function and handle the data loading state:

<!-- src/Dashboard.svelte -->
  import { onMount } from 'svelte';
  import { fetchData } from './api.js';

  let isLoading = true;
  let data;

  onMount(async () => {
    data = await fetchData();
    isLoading = false;

  {#if isLoading}
    <Chart {data} />

The isLoading variable is initially set to true to indicate that the data is being fetched. Once the data is loaded, the isLoading variable is set to false, and the Chart component is rendered with the retrieved data.

Rendering data in the dashboard

To display the data in the Chart component, update the onMount function:

onMount(async () => {
  const response = await fetch('');
  const data = await response.json();

  // Code to render the chart using the data

Replace the comment with the code to render the chart using the retrieved data.

Implementing interactivity

Adding filters and search functionality

To add filters and search functionality to the dashboard, create a new file called Filters.svelte in the src directory:

<!-- src/Filters.svelte -->
  export let filters = [];
  export let searchTerm = '';

<div class="filters">
  {#each filters as filter}

<input type="text" bind:value="{searchTerm}" placeholder="Search..." />

The Filters component expects a filters prop, which is an array of filter options, and a searchTerm prop, which is a string representing the search query. It renders buttons for each filter option and an input field for the search query.

Creating interactive charts and graphs

To make the Chart component interactive, update the Chart.svelte file:

<!-- src/Chart.svelte -->
  export let data;
  export let filters = [];
  export let searchTerm = '';

<canvas bind:this="{chartCanvas}"></canvas>

  import { onMount, afterUpdate } from 'svelte';

  let chartCanvas;

  function renderChart() {
    // Code to render the chart using the data, filters, and search term


The Chart component now expects filters and searchTerm props. The renderChart function is called on component mount and after each update, ensuring that the chart is updated whenever the props change.

Implementing user interactions

To update the chart based on user interactions, modify the Filters component:

<!-- src/Filters.svelte -->
  export let filters = [];
  export let searchTerm = '';
  export let updateChart;

<div class="filters">
  {#each filters as filter}
    <button on:click="{() => updateChart(filter)}">{filter}</button>

<input type="text" bind:value="{searchTerm}" placeholder="Search..." on:input="{() => updateChart(searchTerm)}" />

The Filters component now expects an updateChart prop, which is a function that will be called whenever a filter or search query is updated. The buttons and input field call this function with the appropriate filter or search term.

Optimizing performance

Code splitting and lazy loading

To optimize the initial load time of the dashboard, consider code splitting and lazy loading. Svelte provides built-in support for code splitting. Simply split your components into separate files and import them dynamically when needed. For example, modify the Dashboard.svelte file:

<!-- src/Dashboard.svelte -->
  import { onMount } from 'svelte';
  import('./Chart.svelte').then(module => {
    Chart = module.default;

  let isLoading = true;
  let data;
  let Chart;
  onMount(async () => {
    data = await fetchData();
    isLoading = false;

  {#if isLoading}
    {#if Chart}
      <Chart {data} />

The import('./Chart.svelte') statement dynamically imports the Chart component when needed. The chart is only rendered if the Chart variable is defined.

Caching data

To improve performance and reduce API requests, you can cache the retrieved data using a library such as localStorage or sessionStorage. Here's an example of caching the data using localStorage:

onMount(async () => {
  const cachedData = localStorage.getItem('dashboardData');

  if (cachedData) {
    data = JSON.parse(cachedData);
  } else {
    data = await fetchData();
    localStorage.setItem('dashboardData', JSON.stringify(data));

  isLoading = false;

The code checks if the data is already cached in localStorage. If it is, the cached data is used. Otherwise, the data is fetched from the API and stored in localStorage for future use.

Optimizing rendering

Svelte's reactive programming model ensures that only the necessary parts of the dashboard are updated when the state changes. However, you can further optimize rendering by using Svelte's context and memoization features. For example, you can memoize expensive computations and pass them down as context to child components, preventing unnecessary re-evaluations.


In this tutorial, we learned how to build a responsive dashboard using Svelte. We started by setting up the project, designing the dashboard layout, and fetching and displaying data. We then implemented interactivity by adding filters, search functionality, and user interactions. Finally, we explored ways to optimize performance through code splitting, caching data, and optimizing rendering. With the knowledge gained from this tutorial, you can now create your own responsive dashboards using Svelte and deliver a seamless user experience.