Angular and Strategy Pattern: Dynamic Behavior

In this tutorial, we will explore the concept of dynamic behavior in Angular and how it can be implemented using the Strategy Pattern. We will start by understanding what Angular is and what the Strategy Pattern is. Then, we will discuss the importance of dynamic behavior in Angular and how the Strategy Pattern enables it. We will also cover the implementation of the Strategy Pattern in Angular, the benefits of using it, and provide examples of dynamic behavior in Angular. Finally, we will discuss best practices for using the Strategy Pattern in Angular and conclude the tutorial.

angular strategy pattern dynamic behavior


What is Angular?

Angular is a popular open-source JavaScript framework developed by Google for building web applications. It follows the MVC (Model-View-Controller) architectural pattern and provides a comprehensive set of features and tools for developing dynamic and responsive applications.

What is the Strategy Pattern?

The Strategy Pattern is a behavioral design pattern that enables the dynamic selection of algorithms or behaviors at runtime. It allows encapsulating multiple algorithms or behaviors behind a common interface and allows the client to choose the appropriate algorithm or behavior dynamically.

Understanding Dynamic Behavior

Dynamic behavior refers to the ability of an application to change its behavior or functionality at runtime. In the context of Angular, it means the ability to dynamically change the behavior of components or modules based on certain conditions or user interactions.

Why is dynamic behavior important in Angular?

Dynamic behavior is important in Angular because it allows developers to build more flexible and interactive applications. It enables the application to respond to user actions or external events by changing its behavior or functionality dynamically.

How does the Strategy Pattern enable dynamic behavior?

The Strategy Pattern enables dynamic behavior in Angular by providing a way to encapsulate multiple algorithms or behaviors behind a common interface. It allows the client code to select the appropriate algorithm or behavior at runtime, making the application more flexible and adaptable.

Implementing the Strategy Pattern in Angular

Creating the Strategy Interface

The first step in implementing the Strategy Pattern in Angular is to create the strategy interface. This interface defines the contract that all concrete strategies must adhere to. Let's create an example strategy interface called ValidationStrategy for dynamic form validation:

interface ValidationStrategy {
  validate(value: any): boolean;

In this example, the ValidationStrategy interface defines a single method validate that takes a value and returns a boolean indicating whether the value is valid or not.

Implementing Concrete Strategies

Once we have the strategy interface, we can create concrete strategies that implement the interface. Let's create two concrete strategies: EmailValidationStrategy and NumericValidationStrategy:

class EmailValidationStrategy implements ValidationStrategy {
  validate(value: any): boolean {
    // Validation logic for email
    return /* true or false */;

class NumericValidationStrategy implements ValidationStrategy {
  validate(value: any): boolean {
    // Validation logic for numeric value
    return /* true or false */;

In these examples, the EmailValidationStrategy and NumericValidationStrategy classes implement the ValidationStrategy interface and provide their own implementation of the validate method.

Using the Strategy Pattern in Angular Components

After creating the strategy interface and concrete strategies, we can use them in Angular components to enable dynamic behavior. Let's consider an example where we have a form with an input field and we want to dynamically validate the input based on the selected validation strategy. Here's how we can use the Strategy Pattern in an Angular component:

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { ValidationStrategy } from './validation-strategy';

  selector: 'app-form',
  template: `
    <input [(ngModel)]="value" (input)="validate()">
    <button (click)="toggleValidationStrategy()">Toggle Validation Strategy</button>
    <p *ngIf="!valid">Invalid value!</p>
export class FormComponent {
  value: any;
  valid: boolean = true;
  validationStrategy: ValidationStrategy = new EmailValidationStrategy();

  validate() {
    this.valid = this.validationStrategy.validate(this.value);

  toggleValidationStrategy() {
    if (this.validationStrategy instanceof EmailValidationStrategy) {
      this.validationStrategy = new NumericValidationStrategy();
    } else {
      this.validationStrategy = new EmailValidationStrategy();

In this example, the FormComponent class uses the ValidationStrategy interface and its concrete strategies to enable dynamic form validation. The validate method is called whenever the input value changes, and it uses the current validation strategy to validate the input. The toggleValidationStrategy method is called when the user clicks the "Toggle Validation Strategy" button, and it toggles between the EmailValidationStrategy and NumericValidationStrategy.

Benefits of Using the Strategy Pattern in Angular

Improved code reusability

By encapsulating algorithms or behaviors behind a common interface, the Strategy Pattern promotes code reusability. Different components can use the same strategies without duplicating code, leading to more efficient and maintainable code.

Flexibility in changing behavior

The Strategy Pattern allows for the dynamic selection of algorithms or behaviors at runtime. This provides flexibility in changing the behavior of components or modules without modifying their code. It enables the application to adapt to different requirements or user preferences easily.

Simplifying complex logic

By separating algorithms or behaviors behind a common interface, the Strategy Pattern simplifies complex logic. It allows developers to focus on implementing individual strategies without worrying about the overall complexity of the application. This leads to cleaner and more maintainable code.

Examples of Dynamic Behavior in Angular

Dynamic form validation

Dynamic form validation is a common use case for dynamic behavior in Angular. By using the Strategy Pattern, we can easily change the validation rules or strategies for form inputs based on user preferences or other conditions.

Dynamic component rendering

Another example of dynamic behavior in Angular is dynamic component rendering. By using the Strategy Pattern, we can define different rendering strategies for components based on certain conditions or user interactions. This allows for more flexible and interactive user interfaces.

Dynamic data filtering

Dynamic data filtering is another use case where dynamic behavior can be implemented using the Strategy Pattern. By using different filtering strategies, we can dynamically change the way data is filtered based on user preferences or other conditions.

Best Practices for Using the Strategy Pattern in Angular

Separation of concerns

When using the Strategy Pattern in Angular, it is important to separate concerns properly. The strategy interface and concrete strategies should be defined in separate files or modules to promote modularity and reusability. The client code should only be responsible for selecting and using the appropriate strategy.

Choosing appropriate strategies

When implementing the Strategy Pattern in Angular, it is important to choose appropriate strategies for the specific use case. The strategies should be designed in a way that they can be easily swapped or extended without affecting the rest of the application.

Testing strategies

Testing strategies is an important part of using the Strategy Pattern in Angular. Each strategy should be tested individually to ensure that it behaves as expected. Unit tests should cover different scenarios and edge cases to ensure the correctness and reliability of the strategies.


In this tutorial, we explored the concept of dynamic behavior in Angular and how it can be implemented using the Strategy Pattern. We discussed what Angular is, what the Strategy Pattern is, and how dynamic behavior is important in Angular. We also covered the implementation of the Strategy Pattern in Angular, the benefits of using it, and provided examples of dynamic behavior in Angular. Finally, we discussed best practices for using the Strategy Pattern in Angular. By leveraging the power of the Strategy Pattern, developers can build more flexible and interactive Angular applications.