Angular and Singleton Pattern: Managing Global State

In this tutorial, we will explore how to use the Singleton Pattern in Angular to manage global state. We will start by explaining what the Singleton Pattern is and why global state management is important in Angular. Then, we will walk through the process of implementing the Singleton Pattern in Angular, including creating a Singleton Service, injecting the service into components, and using it to manage global state. We will also discuss the benefits and drawbacks of using the Singleton Pattern for global state management, and explore alternatives to the Singleton Pattern. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a solid understanding of how to use the Singleton Pattern to manage global state in your Angular applications.

angular singleton pattern managing global state

What is the Singleton Pattern?

The Singleton Pattern is a creational design pattern that ensures a class has only one instance and provides a global point of access to that instance. In the context of Angular, the Singleton Pattern can be used to create a service that maintains a single instance throughout the application, allowing components to share and update data in a centralized manner.

Why is Global State Management important in Angular?

Global state management is important in Angular because it allows components to share and update data without the need for complex event handling or passing data between components. With global state management, we can create a centralized store of data that can be accessed and modified by any component in the application. This simplifies data sharing and ensures consistency across different parts of the application.

Implementing Singleton Pattern in Angular

Creating a Singleton Service

To implement the Singleton Pattern in Angular, we can create a singleton service using the @Injectable decorator. This decorator marks the service as injectable, allowing it to be used as a dependency in other components.

  providedIn: 'root'
export class GlobalStateService {
  private state: any;

  constructor() {
    this.state = {};

  public getState(): any {
    return this.state;

  public setState(newState: any): void {
    this.state = newState;

In the above code, we create a GlobalStateService class with a private state property that holds the global state. The getState() method allows other components to access the state, while the setState() method allows components to update the state.

Injecting the Singleton Service

To use the GlobalStateService in a component, we need to inject it using the constructor method. Angular's dependency injection system will automatically provide an instance of the service when the component is created.

  selector: 'app-example',
  templateUrl: './example.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./example.component.css']
export class ExampleComponent implements OnInit {
  constructor(private globalStateService: GlobalStateService) {}

  ngOnInit(): void {}

In the above code, we inject the GlobalStateService into the ExampleComponent constructor. This allows us to access the service's methods and properties within the component.

Using the Singleton Service in Components

Once we have injected the GlobalStateService into a component, we can use it to manage global state. For example, we can retrieve the current state using the getState() method and update the state using the setState() method.

  selector: 'app-example',
  templateUrl: './example.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./example.component.css']
export class ExampleComponent implements OnInit {
  public state: any;

  constructor(private globalStateService: GlobalStateService) {}

  ngOnInit(): void {
    this.state = this.globalStateService.getState();

  public updateState(): void {
    const newState = { ...this.state, foo: 'bar' };

In the above code, we retrieve the current state from the GlobalStateService in the ngOnInit() method and assign it to the state property of the component. We can then update the state by creating a new object with the desired changes and calling the setState() method of the GlobalStateService.

Benefits of Using Singleton Pattern for Global State Management

Centralized State Management

One of the main benefits of using the Singleton Pattern for global state management is that it provides a centralized store of data. This allows components to access and modify the state without the need for complex data sharing mechanisms. With a centralized state, it becomes easier to ensure consistency and avoid conflicts between different parts of the application.

Improved Performance

By using a Singleton Pattern for global state management, we can optimize performance by reducing unnecessary data duplication. Instead of passing data between components, we can simply access and modify the shared state directly. This can lead to improved performance, especially in large applications with complex data dependencies.

Simplified Data Sharing

Using the Singleton Pattern for global state management simplifies data sharing between components. Instead of manually passing data through input and output bindings, components can directly access the shared state. This reduces the complexity of the application and makes it easier to understand and maintain.

Drawbacks of Using Singleton Pattern for Global State Management

Potential for Overuse

One drawback of using the Singleton Pattern for global state management is the potential for overuse. While it can be a powerful tool, it should be used judiciously and only when necessary. Overusing the Singleton Pattern can lead to a bloated application with excessive dependencies and a lack of clear separation of concerns.

Testing Challenges

Another drawback of using the Singleton Pattern for global state management is that it can introduce testing challenges. Since components rely on a shared state, it can be difficult to isolate and test individual components in isolation. Mocking the global state can be complex and may require additional setup in tests.

Alternatives to Singleton Pattern for Global State Management

Using State Management Libraries

Instead of using the Singleton Pattern, another approach to global state management in Angular is to use state management libraries such as NgRx or Akita. These libraries provide a centralized store of data and offer advanced features like immutability, time-travel debugging, and efficient change detection. They can be a good choice for larger applications with complex state management requirements.

Using RxJS Subjects

Another alternative to the Singleton Pattern is to use RxJS Subjects. RxJS Subjects allow components to subscribe to changes in a shared state and react accordingly. By using Subjects, components can communicate with each other without the need for a centralized service. This can be a lightweight and flexible approach to global state management, especially for smaller applications.


In this tutorial, we explored how to use the Singleton Pattern in Angular to manage global state. We learned what the Singleton Pattern is, why global state management is important in Angular, and how to implement the Singleton Pattern in Angular using a Singleton Service. We also discussed the benefits and drawbacks of using the Singleton Pattern for global state management, and explored alternatives such as state management libraries and RxJS Subjects. By leveraging the Singleton Pattern and other state management techniques, you can effectively manage global state in your Angular applications and build more robust and scalable software.