Angular and Chain of Responsibility Pattern: Handling Requests

This tutorial will guide you through the process of implementing the Chain of Responsibility pattern in Angular to handle requests. We will explore what Angular is, what the Chain of Responsibility pattern is, and how to implement it in Angular. We will also discuss the benefits of using this pattern in Angular, as well as some use cases for it. Finally, we will provide an example of how to use the Chain of Responsibility pattern to handle form validation in Angular.

angular chain responsibility pattern handling requests


What is Angular?

Angular is a popular JavaScript framework for building web applications. It allows developers to create dynamic and interactive applications using a component-based architecture. Angular provides a set of powerful features, such as two-way data binding, dependency injection, and a modular structure, which makes it a preferred choice for many developers.

What is the Chain of Responsibility Pattern?

The Chain of Responsibility pattern is a behavioral design pattern that allows an object to pass a request along a chain of potential handlers until the request is handled. It decouples the sender of a request from its receivers, giving multiple objects the opportunity to handle the request. Each handler in the chain has the ability to either handle the request or pass it along to the next handler in the chain.

Implementing the Chain of Responsibility Pattern in Angular

To implement the Chain of Responsibility pattern in Angular, we need to follow a few steps. First, we need to create the Request Handler interface, which defines the contract for all concrete request handlers. Then, we implement the concrete request handlers, each responsible for handling a specific type of request. Next, we set up the chain of responsibility by linking the request handlers together. Finally, we use the chain of responsibility to handle requests in Angular components.

Creating the Request Handler Interface

The Request Handler interface defines the contract for all concrete request handlers. It typically includes a method for handling the request and a reference to the next handler in the chain.

interface RequestHandler {
  setNext(handler: RequestHandler): void;
  handleRequest(request: any): void;

Implementing Concrete Request Handlers

Concrete request handlers implement the Request Handler interface and handle specific types of requests. They can either handle the request or pass it along to the next handler in the chain.

class ConcreteHandler1 implements RequestHandler {
  private nextHandler: RequestHandler;

  setNext(handler: RequestHandler): void {
    this.nextHandler = handler;

  handleRequest(request: any): void {
    if (request.type === 'type1') {
      // Handle the request
    } else if (this.nextHandler) {

class ConcreteHandler2 implements RequestHandler {
  private nextHandler: RequestHandler;

  setNext(handler: RequestHandler): void {
    this.nextHandler = handler;

  handleRequest(request: any): void {
    if (request.type === 'type2') {
      // Handle the request
    } else if (this.nextHandler) {

Setting up the Chain of Responsibility

To set up the chain of responsibility, we link the request handlers together by calling the setNext method on each handler.

const handler1 = new ConcreteHandler1();
const handler2 = new ConcreteHandler2();


Handling Requests in Angular Components

In Angular components, we can use the chain of responsibility to handle requests by calling the handleRequest method on the first handler in the chain.

class MyComponent {
  private requestHandler: RequestHandler;

  constructor() {
    this.requestHandler = handler1;

  handleRequest(request: any): void {

Benefits of Using the Chain of Responsibility Pattern in Angular

Loose Coupling

The Chain of Responsibility pattern promotes loose coupling between the sender of a request and its receivers. Each handler in the chain only needs to know about its successor, reducing the dependencies between objects. This allows for easier maintenance and flexibility in the application.

Flexibility and Scalability

By using the Chain of Responsibility pattern, we can easily add or remove handlers from the chain without affecting the rest of the system. This promotes scalability and allows for flexible handling of requests based on specific criteria.

Code Reusability

The Chain of Responsibility pattern promotes code reusability by allowing us to reuse the same handlers in different chains. This reduces code duplication and improves maintainability.

Use Cases for the Chain of Responsibility Pattern in Angular

Form Validation

Form validation is a common use case for the Chain of Responsibility pattern in Angular. Each input field in a form can have its own validation rules, and the form can have multiple validation steps. By using the Chain of Responsibility pattern, we can create a chain of form validation handlers, where each handler validates a specific aspect of the form.

Error Handling

Error handling is another use case for the Chain of Responsibility pattern in Angular. In complex applications, errors can occur at various stages of execution. By using the Chain of Responsibility pattern, we can create a chain of error handlers, where each handler is responsible for handling a specific type of error.


Middleware is a widely used concept in web development, and the Chain of Responsibility pattern can be used to implement middleware in Angular. Each middleware in the chain can perform specific tasks, such as authentication, logging, or request modification, before passing the request to the next middleware.

Example: Handling Form Validation with the Chain of Responsibility Pattern

Let's consider an example where we want to implement form validation using the Chain of Responsibility pattern in Angular. We have a form with three input fields: name, email, and password. Each input field has its own validation rules.

Creating the Form Validation Chain

First, we need to create the form validation chain by implementing the Request Handler interface.

class FormValidationHandler implements RequestHandler {
  private nextHandler: RequestHandler;

  setNext(handler: RequestHandler): void {
    this.nextHandler = handler;

  handleRequest(request: any): void {
    // Perform form validation logic
    if (request.field === 'name') {
      // Validate name field
    } else if (request.field === 'email') {
      // Validate email field
    } else if (request.field === 'password') {
      // Validate password field

    // Pass the request to the next handler
    if (this.nextHandler) {

Implementing Form Validation Handlers

Next, we implement the concrete form validation handlers, each responsible for validating a specific input field.

class NameValidationHandler implements RequestHandler {
  private nextHandler: RequestHandler;

  setNext(handler: RequestHandler): void {
    this.nextHandler = handler;

  handleRequest(request: any): void {
    if (request.field === 'name') {
      // Perform name validation logic
    } else if (this.nextHandler) {

class EmailValidationHandler implements RequestHandler {
  private nextHandler: RequestHandler;

  setNext(handler: RequestHandler): void {
    this.nextHandler = handler;

  handleRequest(request: any): void {
    if (request.field === 'email') {
      // Perform email validation logic
    } else if (this.nextHandler) {

class PasswordValidationHandler implements RequestHandler {
  private nextHandler: RequestHandler;

  setNext(handler: RequestHandler): void {
    this.nextHandler = handler;

  handleRequest(request: any): void {
    if (request.field === 'password') {
      // Perform password validation logic
    } else if (this.nextHandler) {

Using the Chain to Validate Forms

In an Angular component, we can use the form validation chain to validate the form inputs.

class MyComponent {
  private formValidationHandler: RequestHandler;

  constructor() {
    const nameValidationHandler = new NameValidationHandler();
    const emailValidationHandler = new EmailValidationHandler();
    const passwordValidationHandler = new PasswordValidationHandler();


    this.formValidationHandler = nameValidationHandler;

  validateForm(field: string): void {
    this.formValidationHandler.handleRequest({ field });

In the above example, we create instances of the form validation handlers and link them together using the setNext method. We set the formValidationHandler to be the first handler in the chain. In the validateForm method, we call the handleRequest method on the formValidationHandler and pass the field to be validated.


In this tutorial, we explored the Chain of Responsibility pattern and how to implement it in Angular to handle requests. We discussed the benefits of using this pattern, such as loose coupling, flexibility, scalability, and code reusability. We also provided some use cases for the Chain of Responsibility pattern in Angular, including form validation, error handling, and middleware. Finally, we provided an example of how to use the Chain of Responsibility pattern to handle form validation in Angular. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you can effectively handle requests in your Angular applications using the Chain of Responsibility pattern.