Android Accessibility: Best Practices with Kotlin

This tutorial will guide you through the best practices for implementing Android Accessibility features using Kotlin. We will cover the importance of Android Accessibility, understanding Accessibility Services, implementing Accessibility features, testing and debugging Accessibility, and improving the user experience. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a solid understanding of how to make your Android applications more accessible to users with disabilities.

android accessibility best practices kotlin

What is Android Accessibility?

Android Accessibility refers to the set of tools and features that aim to make Android applications more accessible to users with disabilities. This includes providing alternative ways of interacting with the application, such as screen readers for users with visual impairments or captioning for users with hearing impairments.

Importance of Android Accessibility

It is crucial to prioritize Android Accessibility in your application development process to ensure that all users, regardless of their abilities, can effectively use your app. By implementing Accessibility features, you not only comply with accessibility guidelines but also make your application more inclusive and user-friendly.

Understanding Accessibility Services

Accessibility Services are a crucial component of Android Accessibility. These services allow developers to create custom accessibility features for their applications. Some common examples of Accessibility Services include screen readers, magnifiers, and gesture detectors.

Overview of Accessibility Services

In this section, we will provide an overview of Accessibility Services and guide you through creating and registering an Accessibility Service in your Kotlin application.

Creating an Accessibility Service

To create an Accessibility Service in Kotlin, you need to create a class that extends the AccessibilityService base class. This class will handle the accessibility events and provide the necessary functionality for your Accessibility Service.

class MyAccessibilityService : AccessibilityService() {
    // Your implementation goes here

Registering the Accessibility Service

To register your Accessibility Service, you need to declare it in the AndroidManifest.xml file. Add the following code within the <application> tag:

        <action android:name="android.accessibilityservice.AccessibilityService" />
        android:resource="@xml/accessibility_service_config" />

Make sure to replace MyAccessibilityService with the actual name of your Accessibility Service class.

Implementing Accessibility Features

In this section, we will explore various Accessibility features that you can implement in your Kotlin application.

Adding Content Descriptions

Adding content descriptions to your app's views is essential for users with visual impairments. Content descriptions provide text descriptions for images and other non-text elements, allowing screen readers to convey the information to the user.

To add a content description to a view programmatically, use the View.setContentDescription() method:

val imageView = findViewById<ImageView>(
imageView.setContentDescription("A beautiful sunset")

Using Focus and Accessibility Focus

Focus is a fundamental concept in Android Accessibility. It determines which view is currently active and receives user input. To manage focus, you can use the View.requestFocus() method:

val editText = findViewById<EditText>(

Accessibility focus, on the other hand, is used to indicate to the user which view is currently focused. You can set the accessibility focus using the View.sendAccessibilityEvent() method:

val button = findViewById<Button>(

Handling Touch Exploration

Touch exploration is a feature that allows users to explore the screen by touch, even if they can't see it. To handle touch exploration, you can override the View.onHoverEvent() method:

override fun onHoverEvent(event: MotionEvent): Boolean {
    if (event.actionMasked == MotionEvent.ACTION_HOVER_ENTER) {
        // Handle touch exploration
        return true
    return super.onHoverEvent(event)

Providing Custom Accessibility Actions

You can provide custom accessibility actions to allow users to perform specific actions within your app. To do this, override the View.onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfo() method:

override fun onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfo(info: AccessibilityNodeInfo) {
    val customAction = AccessibilityNodeInfo.AccessibilityAction(
        "Custom Action"

Testing and Debugging Accessibility

Testing and debugging Accessibility features are essential to ensure that your application is accessible to all users. In this section, we will discuss various tools and techniques for testing and debugging Accessibility.

Testing with Accessibility Scanner

Accessibility Scanner is a useful tool provided by Android Studio that helps you identify potential accessibility issues in your application. It scans your app's layout and provides suggestions for improvement.

To use Accessibility Scanner, follow these steps:

  1. Open your app in Android Studio.
  2. Click on "Analyze" in the menu bar.
  3. Select "Accessibility Scanner" from the dropdown menu.
  4. Accessibility Scanner will analyze your app's layout and provide suggestions for improvement.

Using TalkBack for Testing

TalkBack is a screen reader feature provided by Android that allows users with visual impairments to navigate and interact with your application. You can use TalkBack to test the accessibility of your app.

To enable TalkBack on your device, go to "Settings" > "Accessibility" > "TalkBack" and toggle the switch on. Then, launch your app and navigate through its UI using TalkBack.

Debugging Accessibility Issues

If you encounter any accessibility issues in your app, you can use the Accessibility Inspector tool provided by Android Studio to debug and fix them. The Accessibility Inspector allows you to inspect the properties and states of your app's views to identify and resolve accessibility issues.

To use the Accessibility Inspector, follow these steps:

  1. Open your app in Android Studio.
  2. Click on "View" in the menu bar.
  3. Select "Tool Windows" > "Accessibility Inspector".
  4. The Accessibility Inspector will open, allowing you to inspect the accessibility properties of your app's views.

Improving User Experience

In this section, we will discuss various techniques for improving the user experience of your Android app by designing accessible layouts, supporting dynamic text sizes, handling color contrast, and enabling keyboard navigation.

Designing Accessible Layouts

When designing your app's layouts, it is essential to consider accessibility. Here are some best practices for designing accessible layouts:

  • Ensure that your app's content is organized logically and follows a consistent structure.
  • Use appropriate spacing between elements to make them more distinguishable.
  • Provide sufficient contrast between text and background colors to improve readability.

Supporting Dynamic Text Sizes

Users with visual impairments often rely on larger text sizes to read content comfortably. To support dynamic text sizes, you can use the sp unit instead of dp when specifying text sizes in your layout files:

    android:text="Hello, World!" />

Handling Color Contrast

Color contrast is essential for users with visual impairments to distinguish between different elements on the screen. To ensure sufficient color contrast, follow these guidelines:

  • Use high-contrast color combinations for text and background.
  • Avoid using color as the only means of conveying information.

Enabling Keyboard Navigation

Keyboard navigation is crucial for users who cannot use a touch screen or mouse. To enable keyboard navigation in your app, make sure that all interactive elements can be accessed and navigated using the keyboard. Additionally, provide clear visual cues to indicate the currently focused element.

Localization and Accessibility

In this section, we will discuss how to support multiple languages and handle right-to-left languages in your Android app to improve accessibility for users worldwide.

Supporting Multiple Languages

To support multiple languages in your app, you need to provide localized resources for each language. This includes translating strings, layouts, and other resources into different languages.

Android provides a built-in localization framework that allows you to create localized resources. You can create separate resource directories for each language and place the localized resources in them.

Handling Right-to-Left Languages

Some languages, such as Arabic and Hebrew, are written from right to left. To handle right-to-left languages in your app, you need to ensure that your layouts and text are correctly aligned and mirrored.

To specify right-to-left layout direction in your layout files, use the android:layoutDirection attribute:

    <!-- Your layout goes here -->


In this tutorial, we covered the best practices for implementing Android Accessibility features using Kotlin. We discussed the importance of Android Accessibility, understanding Accessibility Services, implementing Accessibility features, testing and debugging Accessibility, and improving the user experience. By following these best practices, you can make your Android applications more accessible and inclusive for users with disabilities. Remember to prioritize Android Accessibility in your app development process to create a better experience for all users.