10 React Native Projects for Advanced Developers

This tutorial will guide advanced developers through 10 different React Native projects. Each project will cover different features, technologies used, challenges faced, and key takeaways. By following along with these projects, developers can enhance their skills in React Native and gain valuable experience in building real-world applications.

10 react native projects advanced developers


What is React Native?

React Native is a popular JavaScript framework for building mobile applications. It allows developers to write code once and deploy it on both iOS and Android platforms. React Native uses JavaScript and React to build native-like user interfaces, delivering a smooth and responsive experience to users.

Advantages of React Native

  • Code Reusability: With React Native, developers can write a single codebase that works on both iOS and Android platforms, saving time and effort.
  • Native Performance: React Native components are compiled into native code, resulting in a highly performant application.
  • Hot Reloading: React Native supports hot reloading, enabling developers to instantly see changes made to the code without restarting the application.
  • Large Community Support: React Native has a large and active community, providing developers with access to numerous libraries, tools, and resources.

Target Audience

This tutorial is aimed at advanced developers familiar with React and React Native. It assumes a solid understanding of JavaScript and React Native concepts. The projects covered in this tutorial are designed to challenge and expand the skills of experienced developers.

Project 1: E-commerce App


  • User authentication and registration
  • Product browsing and searching
  • Shopping cart functionality
  • Order placement and tracking

Technologies Used

  • React Native
  • Redux for state management
  • Firebase for user authentication and database
  • React Navigation for navigating between screens

Challenges Faced

One of the main challenges faced in this project was implementing the shopping cart functionality. This involved managing the state of the cart, adding and removing items, and calculating the total price. Redux was used to manage the cart state and synchronize it across different screens.

Key Takeaways

  • Redux is a powerful tool for managing complex application state.
  • Firebase provides an easy-to-use backend solution for user authentication and database management.
  • React Navigation simplifies the process of creating a navigation flow within the application.
// Code snippet for adding an item to the shopping cart

import { addToCart } from '../actions/cartActions';

const ProductScreen = ({ product, dispatch }) => {
  const handleAddToCart = () => {

  return (
      <TouchableOpacity onPress={handleAddToCart}>
        <Text>Add to Cart</Text>

export default connect()(ProductScreen);

In this code snippet, the addToCart action is dispatched when the user taps the "Add to Cart" button. The product object is passed as an argument to the action, which then updates the cart state in the Redux store.

Project 2: Social Media App


  • User registration and login
  • Post creation and deletion
  • Commenting and liking posts
  • User profile and followers/following functionality

Technologies Used

  • React Native
  • Firebase for user authentication and database
  • React Navigation for navigating between screens
  • Redux for state management

Challenges Faced

One of the main challenges faced in this project was implementing the real-time updates for comments and likes on posts. Firebase's real-time database feature was used to achieve this functionality. Whenever a user adds a comment or likes a post, the changes are immediately reflected on all devices.

Key Takeaways

  • Firebase's real-time database feature allows for real-time updates in the application.
  • Redux helps manage and synchronize the application state across different screens.
  • React Navigation simplifies the process of navigating between screens.
// Code snippet for creating a new post

import { addPost } from '../actions/postActions';

const CreatePostScreen = ({ dispatch }) => {
  const [content, setContent] = useState('');

  const handleCreatePost = () => {

  return (
      <TextInput value={content} onChangeText={setContent} />
      <TouchableOpacity onPress={handleCreatePost}>
        <Text>Create Post</Text>

export default connect()(CreatePostScreen);

In this code snippet, the addPost action is dispatched when the user taps the "Create Post" button. The content of the post is passed as an argument to the action, which then updates the posts state in the Redux store.

Project 3: Fitness Tracking App


  • User registration and login
  • Track daily workouts and exercises
  • Set goals and monitor progress
  • Display workout history and statistics

Technologies Used

  • React Native
  • Firebase for user authentication and database
  • React Navigation for navigating between screens
  • Redux for state management

Challenges Faced

One of the main challenges faced in this project was implementing the workout tracking functionality. This involved storing and retrieving workout data from Firebase, calculating statistics, and displaying the data in a visually appealing manner. Redux was used to manage the workout state and synchronize it across different screens.

Key Takeaways

  • Firebase's real-time database feature is useful for storing and retrieving workout data.
  • Redux allows for easy management of complex application state.
  • React Navigation simplifies the process of navigating between screens.
// Code snippet for tracking a workout

import { addWorkout } from '../actions/workoutActions';

const TrackWorkoutScreen = ({ dispatch }) => {
  const [exercise, setExercise] = useState('');
  const [sets, setSets] = useState([]);
  const handleAddSet = () => {
    const newSet = { exercise, reps: 10, weight: 100 };
    setSets([...sets, newSet]);
  const handleSaveWorkout = () => {

  return (
      <TextInput value={exercise} onChangeText={setExercise} />
      <TouchableOpacity onPress={handleAddSet}>
        <Text>Add Set</Text>
      <TouchableOpacity onPress={handleSaveWorkout}>
        <Text>Save Workout</Text>

export default connect()(TrackWorkoutScreen);

In this code snippet, the addWorkout action is dispatched when the user taps the "Save Workout" button. The sets array, consisting of exercise details, is passed as an argument to the action, which then updates the workout state in the Redux store.

Project 4: Recipe App


  • Recipe browsing and searching
  • Save favorite recipes
  • Create and manage shopping lists
  • Recipe sharing and rating

Technologies Used

  • React Native
  • Firebase for user authentication and database
  • React Navigation for navigating between screens
  • Redux for state management

Challenges Faced

One of the main challenges faced in this project was implementing the recipe browsing and searching functionality. This involved fetching recipe data from an external API, displaying the recipes, and adding search functionality. Redux was used to manage the recipe state and synchronize it across different screens.

Key Takeaways

  • Integration with external APIs can enhance the functionality of the application.
  • Redux is effective in managing the state of complex application features.
  • React Navigation simplifies the process of navigating between screens.
// Code snippet for fetching recipes from an API

import { fetchRecipes } from '../actions/recipeActions';

const BrowseRecipesScreen = ({ dispatch }) => {
  const [recipes, setRecipes] = useState([]);

  useEffect(() => {
  }, []);

  const handleSearch = (query) => {
    const filteredRecipes = recipes.filter((recipe) =>

  return (
      <TextInput onChangeText={handleSearch} />
      {recipes.map((recipe) => (

export default connect()(BrowseRecipesScreen);

In this code snippet, the fetchRecipes action is dispatched when the component mounts. The action fetches recipe data from an external API and updates the recipe state in the Redux store. The user can then search for recipes by typing in the TextInput component.

Project 5: Music Streaming App


  • User registration and login
  • Browse and search for songs, albums, and artists
  • Create and manage playlists
  • Play songs and control playback

Technologies Used

  • React Native
  • Firebase for user authentication and database
  • React Navigation for navigating between screens
  • Redux for state management

Challenges Faced

One of the main challenges faced in this project was implementing the music playback functionality. This involved integrating with a music streaming API, fetching song data, and controlling playback. Redux was used to manage the playback state and synchronize it across different screens.

Key Takeaways

  • Integration with music streaming APIs can enhance the functionality of the application.
  • Redux is effective in managing the state of complex application features.
  • React Navigation simplifies the process of navigating between screens.
// Code snippet for playing a song

import { playSong } from '../actions/playerActions';

const SongScreen = ({ song, dispatch }) => {
  const handlePlaySong = () => {
  return (
      <TouchableOpacity onPress={handlePlaySong}>
        <Text>Play Song</Text>

export default connect()(SongScreen);

In this code snippet, the playSong action is dispatched when the user taps the "Play Song" button. The song object is passed as an argument to the action, which then updates the playback state in the Redux store.

Project 6: Travel Planner App


  • User registration and login
  • Plan and organize trips
  • Search for flights, accommodations, and attractions
  • Save and view trip itineraries

Technologies Used

  • React Native
  • Firebase for user authentication and database
  • React Navigation for navigating between screens
  • Redux for state management

Challenges Faced

One of the main challenges faced in this project was implementing the trip planning functionality. This involved integrating with external APIs to fetch flight, accommodation, and attraction data, as well as designing a user-friendly interface for organizing trips. Redux was used to manage the trip state and synchronize it across different screens.

Key Takeaways

  • Integration with external travel APIs can enhance the functionality of the application.
  • Redux is effective in managing the state of complex application features.
  • React Navigation simplifies the process of navigating between screens.
// Code snippet for adding a flight to a trip

import { addFlight } from '../actions/tripActions';

const AddFlightScreen = ({ dispatch }) => {
  const [flight, setFlight] = useState('');

  const handleAddFlight = () => {

  return (
      <TextInput value={flight} onChangeText={setFlight} />
      <TouchableOpacity onPress={handleAddFlight}>
        <Text>Add Flight</Text>

export default connect()(AddFlightScreen);

In this code snippet, the addFlight action is dispatched when the user taps the "Add Flight" button. The flight object is passed as an argument to the action, which then updates the trip state in the Redux store.


In this tutorial, we covered 10 different React Native projects for advanced developers. Each project focused on different features, technologies used, challenges faced, and key takeaways. By following along and implementing these projects, developers can enhance their skills in React Native and gain valuable experience in building real-world applications. Whether it's an e-commerce app, social media app, fitness tracking app, recipe app, music streaming app, or travel planner app, the possibilities with React Native are endless. Keep exploring and building!