10 Must-Have React Developer Tools

In this tutorial, we will explore 10 essential developer tools for React development. React is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, and these tools will help developers improve their productivity and enhance the development experience. We will cover the installation process, features, and usage of each tool, providing detailed code examples along the way.

10 must have react developer tools


What is React?

React is a JavaScript library developed by Facebook for building user interfaces. It allows developers to create reusable UI components that update efficiently and quickly in response to changes in data. React follows a component-based architecture, making it easy to manage complex UIs and build interactive web applications.

Why use React?

React offers numerous advantages over traditional JavaScript frameworks. It provides a virtual DOM, which allows for efficient rendering and updating of components. React also promotes code reusability, ensuring that developers can create UI components once and reuse them across different parts of the application. Additionally, React has a large and active community, making it easy to find support and resources.

Importance of Developer Tools

Developer tools play a crucial role in enhancing the productivity and efficiency of developers. React developer tools provide insights into the structure and behavior of React components, simplifying the debugging process and optimizing code performance. These tools enable developers to inspect component hierarchies, monitor state changes, and analyze performance metrics, making the development process smoother and more efficient.

1. React Developer Tools


To install React Developer Tools, follow these steps:

  1. Open your browser's extensions page.
  2. Search for "React Developer Tools" and click on the "Add to Chrome" button.
  3. Once the extension is installed, you will see the React icon added to your browser's toolbar.


React Developer Tools provide the following features:

  • Component Hierarchy: The tool allows you to inspect the component hierarchy of your React application, making it easy to understand how components are structured and nested.
  • Component State: You can view and modify the state of React components, which helps in debugging and understanding how the state affects the UI.
  • Props and Context: React Developer Tools display the props and context passed to each component, enabling you to identify and troubleshoot issues related to data flow.
  • Performance Monitoring: The tool provides performance metrics, such as component render times and re-renders, helping you optimize your application's performance.


To use React Developer Tools, follow these steps:

  1. Open your React application in the browser.
  2. Click on the React icon in your browser's toolbar to open the React Developer Tools panel.
  3. Use the panel to inspect the component hierarchy, view and modify component state, and analyze performance metrics.

2. Redux DevTools


To install Redux DevTools, follow these steps:

  1. Install the Redux DevTools extension for your browser. The extension is available for Chrome, Firefox, and other major browsers.
  2. Once the extension is installed, you will see the Redux icon added to your browser's toolbar.


Redux DevTools provide the following features:

  • Time Travel: Redux DevTools allow you to replay actions and state changes, making it easy to track and debug the application's state over time.
  • Action Monitoring: You can view the actions dispatched by your application and their corresponding payloads, helping you understand how data flows through your Redux store.
  • State Inspection: The tool displays the current state of your Redux store, allowing you to inspect and modify the state for debugging purposes.


To use Redux DevTools, follow these steps:

  1. Open your Redux-powered application in the browser.
  2. Click on the Redux icon in your browser's toolbar to open the Redux DevTools panel.
  3. Use the panel to inspect dispatched actions, track state changes, and replay actions for debugging purposes.

3. React Router DevTools


To install React Router DevTools, follow these steps:

  1. Install the React Router DevTools package using npm or yarn:
npm install react-router-devtools
  1. Import the DevTools component in your application:
import { DevTools } from 'react-router-devtools';


React Router DevTools provide the following features:

  • Route Monitoring: The tool allows you to monitor the routes and navigation history of your React Router application, making it easy to understand how the application's routing system works.
  • Route Parameters: You can view the parameters passed to each route and inspect how they affect the rendered components.
  • Route Transitions: React Router DevTools display the transition between routes, helping you identify and troubleshoot issues related to navigation.


To use React Router DevTools, follow these steps:

  1. Wrap your application's root component with the DevTools component:
import { DevTools } from 'react-router-devtools';

const App = () => {
  return (
      <DevTools />
      {/* Rest of your application */}
  1. Open your React Router application in the browser.
  2. Use the React Router DevTools panel to monitor routes, view route parameters, and analyze route transitions.

4. Storybook


To install Storybook, follow these steps:

  1. Install the Storybook CLI globally using npm or yarn:
npm install -g @storybook/cli
  1. Initialize Storybook in your project directory:
storybook init


Storybook provides the following features:

  • Component Showcase: Storybook allows you to create a showcase for your React components, making it easy to view and interact with them in isolation.
  • Component Documentation: You can document your components using Markdown or other documentation formats, ensuring that developers have all the necessary information to use them correctly.
  • Component Testing: Storybook provides a testing environment for your components, allowing you to test them in various scenarios and configurations.


To use Storybook, follow these steps:

  1. Start Storybook in your project directory:
npm run storybook
  1. Open Storybook in your browser and navigate to the showcase for your components.
  2. Use the Storybook interface to view and interact with your components, read their documentation, and run tests.

5. React Testing Library


To install React Testing Library, follow these steps:

  1. Install the React Testing Library package using npm or yarn:
npm install --save-dev @testing-library/react
  1. Import the necessary functions in your tests:
import { render, fireEvent, screen } from '@testing-library/react';


React Testing Library provides the following features:

  • Component Rendering: The library allows you to render React components in a testing environment, making it easy to interact with them and assert on their behavior.
  • User Interaction: You can simulate user interactions, such as clicking buttons or typing into input fields, to test how components respond to user actions.
  • Accessibility Testing: React Testing Library encourages testing components from the user's perspective, ensuring that they are accessible and usable to all users.


To use React Testing Library, follow these steps:

  1. Write your tests using the provided functions:
import { render, fireEvent, screen } from '@testing-library/react';

test('renders a button that can be clicked', () => {
  render(<Button onClick={jest.fn()} />);

  const button = screen.getByRole('button');

  1. Run your tests using a test runner, such as Jest:
npm test

6. ESLint and Prettier


To install ESLint and Prettier, follow these steps:

  1. Install the necessary packages using npm or yarn:
npm install --save-dev eslint prettier
  1. Configure ESLint and Prettier in your project by creating an .eslintrc file:
  "extends": ["eslint:recommended", "plugin:prettier/recommended"],
  "plugins": ["prettier"],
  "rules": {
    "prettier/prettier": "error"


ESLint and Prettier provide the following features:

  • Code Linting: ESLint helps you identify and fix common errors and coding style issues in your React code.
  • Code Formatting: Prettier automatically formats your code according to a predefined set of rules, ensuring consistent and readable code across your project.
  • Editor Integration: Both ESLint and Prettier offer integrations with popular code editors, providing real-time feedback and automatic code formatting.


To use ESLint and Prettier, follow these steps:

  1. Run ESLint on your project's files:
npx eslint .
  1. Fix ESLint errors and warnings manually or use the --fix flag to automatically fix some issues:
npx eslint --fix .
  1. Configure your code editor to integrate with ESLint and Prettier for real-time feedback and automatic code formatting.


In this tutorial, we explored 10 essential developer tools for React development. React Developer Tools, Redux DevTools, React Router DevTools, Storybook, React Testing Library, ESLint, and Prettier are powerful tools that can significantly improve the development experience and productivity of React developers. By understanding their features and learning how to use them effectively, developers can build high-quality React applications more efficiently. Incorporating these tools into your React development workflow is highly recommended to streamline the development process and ensure the best possible outcomes.