Introduction to React Native State Management: Zustand

In this tutorial, we will explore the concept of state management in React Native and discuss the advantages of using Zustand as a state management solution. State management plays a crucial role in React Native applications as it allows us to manage and update the data that is used by our components. We will also learn how to create a store using Zustand, define initial state, create actions to modify the state, and use selectors to retrieve specific data from the state. Additionally, we will cover how to subscribe to state changes and integrate Zustand with React Native components.

react native state management zustand

What is React Native State Management?

Introduction to state management

State management in React Native refers to the process of managing and updating the state of an application. The state represents the current data of the application and is used to render the UI and handle user interactions. In React Native, state management becomes important as the application grows in complexity and requires handling different data sources and components.

Why state management is important in React Native

State management is important in React Native for several reasons. Firstly, it helps in organizing and centralizing the application's data, making it easier to manage and update. With state management, we can avoid passing data through multiple levels of components using props, leading to cleaner and more maintainable code. It also enables better separation of concerns and improves code reusability.

Different state management solutions in React Native

There are several state management solutions available in React Native, each with its own benefits and use cases. Some popular options include Redux, MobX, and Zustand. These libraries provide a set of tools and patterns to manage the state of the application effectively.

Introducing Zustand

Zustand is a lightweight state management library for React applications. It provides a simple API to define and update the state, enabling efficient state management without the need for any external dependencies. Zustand leverages the concept of stores, actions, and selectors to manage and retrieve data from the state. It also offers built-in support for immutability using the immer library.

Overview of Zustand

Advantages of using Zustand

Zustand has several advantages that make it a popular choice for state management in React Native applications. Firstly, it has a small footprint and minimal setup, making it easy to integrate and use. It also offers excellent performance due to its efficient reactivity system. Zustand uses a hook-based API, allowing for seamless integration with functional components. Additionally, it provides a built-in devtools extension for debugging and inspecting the state.

Getting started with Zustand

To get started with Zustand, we need to install the library using npm or yarn. Open your terminal and run the following command:

npm install zustand

Once the installation is complete, we can import Zustand into our project:

import create from 'zustand';

Now we are ready to create a store using Zustand.

Creating a Store

Defining initial state

In Zustand, a store represents the state of our application. We can define the initial state and create actions to modify it. To create a store, we use the create function provided by Zustand. Let's define a simple counter store:

const counterStore = create((set) => ({
  count: 0,

In the above code, we create a store called counterStore using the create function. We pass a function as an argument to create, which receives a set function as a parameter. The set function is used to update the state of the store.

Creating actions

Actions in Zustand are functions that modify the state of the store. We can define actions within the create function using the set function provided as an argument. Let's add an action to increment the count in our counter store:

const counterStore = create((set) => ({
  count: 0,
  increment: () => set((state) => ({ count: state.count + 1 })),

In the above code, we add an increment action to our counter store. The increment action is a function that uses the set function to update the state. We access the current state using the state parameter and increment the count property by 1.

Using selectors

Selectors in Zustand allow us to retrieve specific data from the state. We can define selectors within the create function using the get function provided as an argument. Let's add a selector to retrieve the count from our counter store:

const counterStore = create((set, get) => ({
  count: 0,
  increment: () => set((state) => ({ count: state.count + 1 })),
  getCount: () => get().count,

In the above code, we add a getCount selector to our counter store. The getCount selector is a function that uses the get function to retrieve the count property from the state.

Updating State

Modifying state using actions

To modify the state of the store, we can call the actions defined in the create function. Let's update the count in our counter store using the increment action:


In the above code, we call the increment action defined in our counter store. This will increment the count by 1.

Using immer for immutable updates

Zustand provides built-in support for immutability using the immer library. This allows us to update the state in a mutable way while still ensuring immutability. Let's modify our increment action to use immer:

const counterStore = create((set) => ({
  count: 0,
  increment: () =>
    set((state) => {
      state.count += 1;

In the above code, we modify the increment action to use the set function with an immer callback. Inside the callback, we can directly modify the state using mutable updates.

Subscribing to State Changes

Using Zustand's subscribe function

Zustand provides a subscribe function that allows us to subscribe to state changes in the store. We can use the subscribe function to react to state changes and update our components accordingly. Let's subscribe to the count changes in our counter store:

counterStore.subscribe((state) => {
  console.log('Count:', state.count);

In the above code, we call the subscribe function on our counter store and pass a callback function. The callback function is called whenever the state of the store changes, and we can access the updated state within the callback.

Reacting to state changes

To react to state changes in our React Native components, we can use Zustand's useStore hook. The useStore hook allows us to access the state and actions defined in the store. Let's update a component to display the count from our counter store:

import { useStore } from './counterStore';

const CounterComponent = () => {
  const count = useStore((state) => state.count);

  return <Text>Count: {count}</Text>;

In the above code, we import the useStore hook from our counter store. We use the useStore hook with a selector function to retrieve the count from the state. The component will automatically update whenever the count changes.

Combining Zustand with React Native Components

Using Zustand with functional components

Zustand seamlessly integrates with functional components in React Native. We can use the useStore hook to access the state and actions defined in the store. Let's create a functional component that increments the count on button press:

import { useStore } from './counterStore';

const CounterComponent = () => {
  const count = useStore((state) => state.count);
  const increment = useStore((state) => state.increment);

  return (
      <Text>Count: {count}</Text>
      <Button title="Increment" onPress={increment} />

In the above code, we import the useStore hook from our counter store. We use the useStore hook to access the count from the state and the increment action. When the button is pressed, the increment action will be called, updating the count in the store.

Integrating Zustand with class components

Zustand can also be integrated with class components in React Native. We can use the useStore hook inside a higher-order component to access the state and actions defined in the store. Let's create a class component that displays the count from our counter store:

import { withStore } from './counterStore';

class CounterComponent extends React.Component {
  render() {
    const { count } = this.props;

    return <Text>Count: {count}</Text>;

export default withStore(CounterComponent, (state) => ({ count: state.count }));

In the above code, we import the withStore higher-order component from our counter store. We wrap our class component with withStore and pass a selector function as an argument. The selector function maps the state to component props, allowing us to access the count.


In this tutorial, we explored the concept of state management in React Native and learned about the advantages of using Zustand as a state management solution. We covered how to create a store using Zustand, define initial state, create actions to modify the state, and use selectors to retrieve specific data. We also discussed how to subscribe to state changes and integrate Zustand with React Native components. Zustand offers a simple and efficient way to manage the state of our React Native applications, leading to cleaner and more maintainable code.