Exploring Kotlin's Sealed Interfaces

In this tutorial, we will dive into Kotlin's sealed interfaces and explore their advantages, syntax, working with sealed interfaces, pattern matching, differences between sealed interfaces and sealed classes, and when to use sealed interfaces. We will also discuss design considerations and provide examples to help you understand and implement sealed interfaces effectively in your Kotlin development projects.

exploring kotlins sealed interfaces kotlin development

What are Sealed Interfaces?

Sealed interfaces in Kotlin are similar to sealed classes in that they restrict the types that can inherit from them. Sealed interfaces define a closed set of possible subtypes, which means that all the implementations of a sealed interface must be defined within the same file or a set of files that are compiled together. This helps ensure that all the possible subtypes are known at compile-time.

Advantages of Sealed Interfaces

Sealed interfaces provide several advantages in Kotlin development. Firstly, they allow developers to define a restricted set of subtypes, which can provide more robust and maintainable code. Secondly, sealed interfaces enable the use of pattern matching, which provides concise and readable code. Lastly, sealed interfaces can be used as a way to define a common contract that multiple classes can implement, ensuring consistent behavior across different implementations.

Declaring Sealed Interfaces

To declare a sealed interface in Kotlin, you need to use the sealed modifier before the interface keyword. This restricts the types that can inherit from the sealed interface. Here's an example:

sealed interface Shape {
    fun area(): Double

In the example above, we have declared a sealed interface Shape. This interface defines a single abstract method area() that returns a Double. Any class that implements the Shape interface must provide an implementation for the area() method.


The syntax for sealed interfaces is similar to regular interfaces in Kotlin. The only difference is the use of the sealed modifier before the interface keyword. Sealed interfaces can have abstract methods, default implementations, and properties.

sealed interface Shape {
    fun area(): Double

    fun perimeter(): Double {
        return 0.0

In the example above, we have added a default implementation for the perimeter() method in the Shape interface. This default implementation returns a Double value of 0.0. Any class that implements the Shape interface can choose to override this method or use the default implementation.


Sealed interfaces impose a few restrictions on the types that can inherit from them. Firstly, all the implementations of a sealed interface must be defined within the same file or a set of files that are compiled together. This ensures that all the possible subtypes are known at compile-time. Secondly, sealed interfaces cannot be implemented by classes outside of their declaring file or set of files. Lastly, sealed interfaces cannot be extended by other interfaces.

Implementing Sealed Interfaces

To implement a sealed interface, a class must use the implements keyword followed by the sealed interface's name. The class must provide an implementation for all the abstract methods defined in the sealed interface. Here's an example:

class Circle : Shape {
    override fun area(): Double {
        return 3.14 * radius * radius

    private val radius: Double = 5.0

In the example above, we have defined a class Circle that implements the Shape sealed interface. The class provides an implementation for the area() method, which calculates the area of a circle using the formula π * r^2. The class also has a private property radius that is used in the calculation.

Working with Sealed Interfaces

Working with sealed interfaces in Kotlin is similar to working with regular interfaces. You can create instances of classes that implement the sealed interface and call their methods. Here's an example:

fun main() {
    val circle = Circle()
    println("Circle area: ${circle.area()}")

In the example above, we create an instance of the Circle class, which implements the Shape sealed interface. We then call the area() method on the circle object and print the result.

Pattern Matching

Pattern matching is a powerful feature of sealed interfaces that allows you to write concise and readable code. It enables you to check the type of an object and perform different actions based on its type. In Kotlin, pattern matching can be achieved using smart casts and companion objects.

Smart Casts

Smart casts in Kotlin automatically cast an object to a specific type if certain conditions are met. When working with sealed interfaces, you can use smart casts to check the type of an object and perform operations specific to that type. Here's an example:

fun printArea(shape: Shape) {
    if (shape is Circle) {
        println("Circle area: ${shape.area()}")
    } else if (shape is Rectangle) {
        println("Rectangle area: ${shape.area()}")

val circle = Circle()
val rectangle = Rectangle()


In the example above, we have a function printArea() that takes a parameter of type Shape. Inside the function, we use smart casts to check the type of the shape object and print the area specific to that type.

Companion Objects

Companion objects are objects that are associated with a class and can contain properties and methods. When working with sealed interfaces, companion objects can be used to define common behavior or constants for all the implementations of the sealed interface. Here's an example:

sealed interface Shape {
    fun area(): Double

    companion object {
        const val PI: Double = 3.14

In the example above, we have added a companion object to the Shape sealed interface. The companion object contains a constant PI with a value of 3.14. This constant can be used by all the implementations of the Shape sealed interface.

Inheritance and Subtypes

Sealed interfaces can be used to define a hierarchy of subtypes. Each subtype must provide an implementation for all the abstract methods defined in the sealed interface. Here's an example:

sealed interface Shape {
    fun area(): Double

class Circle : Shape {
    override fun area(): Double {
        return 3.14 * radius * radius

    private val radius: Double = 5.0

class Rectangle : Shape {
    override fun area(): Double {
        return length * width

    private val length: Double = 10.0
    private val width: Double = 5.0

In the example above, we have defined two classes Circle and Rectangle that implement the Shape sealed interface. The Circle class provides an implementation for the area() method, which calculates the area of a circle. The Rectangle class provides an implementation for the area() method, which calculates the area of a rectangle.

Sealed Interfaces vs Sealed Classes

Sealed interfaces and sealed classes are similar in that they both restrict the types that can inherit from them. However, there are some differences between the two.


Sealed interfaces restrict the types that can implement them, while sealed classes restrict the types that can inherit from them. Sealed interfaces are used to define a common contract that multiple classes can implement, while sealed classes are used to define a closed set of possible subtypes.

Sealed interfaces can only have abstract methods, default implementations, and properties, while sealed classes can have constructors, properties, and methods. Sealed interfaces cannot be extended by other interfaces, while sealed classes can be extended by other classes and sealed classes.

Use Cases

Sealed interfaces are useful in situations where you want to define a common contract that multiple classes can implement. They can be used to enforce consistent behavior across different implementations and provide a more maintainable and robust codebase.

Sealed classes, on the other hand, are useful when you want to define a closed set of possible subtypes. They can be used to create a hierarchy of classes with a restricted set of subclasses, ensuring that all the possible subtypes are known at compile-time.

When to Use Sealed Interfaces

Sealed interfaces should be used when you want to define a common contract that multiple classes can implement. They are particularly useful in situations where you want to enforce consistent behavior across different implementations.

You should consider using sealed interfaces when you have a set of classes that share a common behavior or functionality, but may have different implementations. Sealed interfaces can help you define a contract that all the implementations must adhere to, ensuring that the behavior and functionality remain consistent.

Design Considerations

When using sealed interfaces, there are a few design considerations to keep in mind. Firstly, you should carefully consider the set of subtypes that can implement the sealed interface. Adding or removing subtypes can have an impact on the existing codebase, so it's important to plan and design the sealed interface hierarchy carefully.

Secondly, you should ensure that the behavior and functionality defined in the sealed interface are meaningful and relevant to all the possible subtypes. If a behavior or functionality is specific to only a subset of the subtypes, it may be better to define it in a separate interface or class.

Lastly, you should consider the maintainability and extensibility of the sealed interface hierarchy. As the codebase grows, it may be necessary to add new subtypes or modify existing ones. By designing the sealed interface hierarchy with maintainability and extensibility in mind, you can ensure that future changes can be made easily and without breaking existing code.


To illustrate the usage of sealed interfaces, let's consider an example where we have a set of shapes that can be drawn on a canvas. We define a sealed interface Drawable that represents a shape that can be drawn, and two implementations Circle and Rectangle. Each implementation provides its own implementation of the draw() method.

sealed interface Drawable {
    fun draw()

class Circle : Drawable {
    override fun draw() {
        println("Drawing a circle")

class Rectangle : Drawable {
    override fun draw() {
        println("Drawing a rectangle")

In the example above, we have defined a sealed interface Drawable that represents a shape that can be drawn. The Circle and Rectangle classes implement the Drawable interface and provide their own implementation of the draw() method.

We can now create instances of the Circle and Rectangle classes and call their draw() method.

fun main() {
    val circle = Circle()
    val rectangle = Rectangle()


When we run the above code, it will output:

Drawing a circle
Drawing a rectangle

The Circle and Rectangle classes provide their own implementation of the draw() method, which prints a message indicating the shape being drawn.


In this tutorial, we explored Kotlin's sealed interfaces and discussed their advantages, syntax, working with sealed interfaces, pattern matching, differences between sealed interfaces and sealed classes, and when to use sealed interfaces. We also provided examples to help you understand and implement sealed interfaces effectively in your Kotlin development projects.

Sealed interfaces are a powerful feature in Kotlin that can help you define a common contract for multiple classes and ensure consistent behavior across different implementations. By using sealed interfaces, you can create more maintainable and robust codebases, and take advantage of pattern matching to write concise and readable code.