Exploring Kotlin's Sealed Classes

In this tutorial, we will dive into the concept of sealed classes in Kotlin. Sealed classes are a powerful feature in Kotlin that allow you to create a closed hierarchy of classes, where all subclasses are known at compile time. This article will provide a comprehensive overview of sealed classes, including their syntax, usage, pattern matching capabilities, advantages, examples, and best practices.

exploring kotlins sealed classes kotlin development

What are sealed classes?

Sealed classes are special classes in Kotlin that restrict the inheritance of their subclasses within a predefined set. This means that all subclasses must be declared within the same file or inside a nested class or object declaration. Sealed classes are abstract by default and cannot be instantiated directly. They serve as a base class for a limited number of subclasses, providing a controlled and predictable hierarchy.

Why are sealed classes useful in Kotlin?

Sealed classes offer several benefits in Kotlin development. They provide enhanced type safety, improved code readability, and simplified code maintenance. With sealed classes, you can define a finite number of subclasses, which eliminates the possibility of unexpected subclasses being added in the future. This makes your code more reliable and less prone to bugs.

Declaring Sealed Classes

To declare a sealed class in Kotlin, simply use the sealed modifier before the class keyword. Here's an example:

sealed class Result

The Result sealed class serves as the base class for a set of subclasses that represent different outcomes of an operation.

Defining subclasses

To define subclasses of a sealed class, simply declare them within the same file or inside a nested class or object declaration. Here's an example:

sealed class Result {
    class Success(val data: String) : Result()
    class Error(val message: String) : Result()

In this example, the Success and Error classes are subclasses of the Result sealed class. They represent different outcomes of an operation, with Success containing a data property and Error containing a message property.

Sealed class properties and functions

Sealed classes can have properties and functions, just like regular classes. However, the properties and functions defined in a sealed class are only accessible within its subclasses. Here's an example:

sealed class Result {
    abstract val message: String
    fun printMessage() {
    class Success(override val message: String) : Result()
    class Error(override val message: String) : Result()

In this example, the Result sealed class has a message property and a printMessage() function. The Success and Error subclasses override the message property and inherit the printMessage() function.

Pattern Matching with Sealed Classes

Pattern matching is a powerful feature that allows you to efficiently handle different cases based on the type of a sealed class instance. Kotlin provides the when expression, which is particularly useful when working with sealed classes.

Using when expressions

The when expression allows you to match different cases based on the type of a sealed class instance. Here's an example:

fun processResult(result: Result) {
    when (result) {
        is Result.Success -> {
            println("Success: ${result.data}")
        is Result.Error -> {
            println("Error: ${result.message}")

In this example, the processResult() function takes a Result sealed class instance and uses a when expression to handle different cases based on the type of the instance. If the instance is a Success, it prints the data. If it is an Error, it prints the message.

Smart casts with sealed classes

When using a when expression with sealed classes, Kotlin automatically performs smart casts. This means that within each branch of the when expression, you can access the properties and functions specific to the matched subclass without any additional type checks or casting. Here's an example:

fun processResult(result: Result) {
    when (result) {
        is Result.Success -> {
            println("Success: ${result.data}")
        is Result.Error -> {
            println("Error: ${result.message}")

In this example, the printMessage() function, which is defined in the Result sealed class, can be directly called on the result instance within each branch of the when expression.

Advantages of Sealed Classes

Sealed classes offer several advantages in Kotlin development. Let's explore them in detail.

Enhanced type safety

By restricting the inheritance of their subclasses within a predefined set, sealed classes provide enhanced type safety. This ensures that only a finite number of subclasses are allowed, eliminating the possibility of unexpected subclasses being added in the future. This makes your code more reliable and less prone to bugs.

Improved code readability

Sealed classes make your code more readable by clearly defining the set of allowed subclasses. This provides a clear and concise representation of the possible outcomes or states of a system. Developers can easily understand the range of possible values and make informed decisions based on them.

Simplified code maintenance

The closed hierarchy of sealed classes simplifies code maintenance by reducing the number of places where changes need to be made. Since all subclasses are known at compile time, refactoring or adding new functionality becomes easier and less error-prone. This leads to more maintainable and robust code.

Examples of Sealed Classes

Sealed classes can be used in various scenarios, such as error handling and state management. Let's explore some examples.

Error handling

Sealed classes are commonly used for error handling, where each subclass represents a specific type of error. Here's an example:

sealed class Result {
    class Success(val data: String) : Result()
    class Error(val message: String) : Result()

fun handleResult(result: Result) {
    when (result) {
        is Result.Success -> {
            // handle success
        is Result.Error -> {
            // handle error

In this example, the Result sealed class is used to handle the outcomes of an operation. The Success subclass represents a successful result with a data property, while the Error subclass represents an error with a message property.

State management

Sealed classes can also be used for state management, where each subclass represents a different state of a system. Here's an example:

sealed class State {
    object Loading : State()
    data class Success(val data: String) : State()
    data class Error(val message: String) : State()

fun handleState(state: State) {
    when (state) {
        is State.Loading -> {
            // handle loading state
        is State.Success -> {
            // handle success state
        is State.Error -> {
            // handle error state

In this example, the State sealed class is used to represent different states of a system. The Loading object represents the loading state, while the Success and Error subclasses represent successful and error states respectively, with relevant properties.

Best Practices for Using Sealed Classes

While sealed classes provide powerful capabilities, it's important to follow some best practices to ensure their effective usage.

Avoiding excessive nesting

Avoid excessive nesting of sealed classes, as it can lead to complex and hard-to-maintain code. Instead, consider using composition and inheritance to organize your sealed class hierarchy in a more modular and reusable way.

Choosing appropriate sealed class hierarchy

Carefully design your sealed class hierarchy to accurately represent the problem domain. Consider the different possible outcomes or states and define subclasses accordingly. Keep the hierarchy simple and focused to avoid unnecessary complexity.

Using sealed classes with data classes

Consider combining sealed classes with data classes to leverage the benefits of both features. Data classes provide automatic implementations of equals(), hashCode(), and toString() methods, which can be useful when working with sealed class instances.


Sealed classes are a powerful feature in Kotlin that provide a controlled and predictable hierarchy of classes. They offer enhanced type safety, improved code readability, and simplified code maintenance. By restricting the inheritance of their subclasses within a predefined set, sealed classes ensure that only a finite number of subclasses are allowed, eliminating the possibility of unexpected subclasses being added in the future. This makes your code more reliable and less prone to bugs. Sealed classes can be used in various scenarios, such as error handling and state management. By following best practices, you can effectively leverage the benefits of sealed classes in your Kotlin development projects.