Exploring Kotlin's Multiplatform Mobile Development

In this tutorial, we will explore Kotlin's Multiplatform Mobile Development and learn how to build mobile apps that can run on both Android and iOS platforms. Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (KMM) allows developers to write shared code that can be used by both Android and iOS apps, reducing development time and effort. We will cover the benefits of KMM, setting up a project, writing shared code, implementing platform-specific features, testing, and deployment.

exploring kotlins multiplatform mobile development

What is Kotlin's Multiplatform Mobile Development?

Kotlin's Multiplatform Mobile Development is a technology that enables developers to write shared code that can be used by both Android and iOS apps. With KMM, developers can reuse business logic and data models across platforms, reducing code duplication and increasing productivity. This approach allows for faster development and easier maintenance of mobile apps.

Benefits of Kotlin's Multiplatform Mobile Development

  • Code Reusability: With KMM, developers can write shared code once and use it across multiple platforms, reducing code duplication and increasing code reusability.
  • Faster Development: By sharing code, developers can save time and effort in writing and maintaining separate codebases for Android and iOS platforms.
  • Easier Maintenance: With a single codebase, developers can easily make changes and updates, reducing the chances of introducing bugs and inconsistencies.
  • Native Performance: KMM allows developers to leverage platform-specific APIs and features, ensuring optimal performance on both Android and iOS platforms.

Getting Started

Setting up Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile Development

To get started with Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile Development, we need to set up a new project and configure shared code.

Creating a new project

  1. Open Android Studio and select "Start a new Android Studio project".
  2. Choose a project template and configure the project settings.
  3. On the "Add an Activity to Mobile" screen, select "No Activity" and click "Finish".
  4. Once the project is created, navigate to the project directory.

Configuring shared code

  1. Inside the project directory, create a new directory named "shared".
  2. Create a new Kotlin file inside the "shared" directory and name it "SharedCode.kt".
  3. In the "SharedCode.kt" file, add the following code:
class SharedCode {
    fun sharedFunction(): String {
        return "This is a shared function"

Shared Code

Writing shared code

In Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile Development, we can write shared code that can be used by both Android and iOS apps. This shared code can include business logic and data models.

Sharing business logic

To share business logic, we can define classes and functions in the shared code. These classes and functions can be accessed by both Android and iOS apps.

fun sharedFunction(): String {
    return "This is a shared function"

class SharedCode {
    fun sharedFunction2(): String {
        return "This is another shared function"

Sharing data models

To share data models, we can define data classes in the shared code. These data classes can be used to represent data structures that are common to both Android and iOS apps.

data class User(val name: String, val age: Int)

Platform-Specific Code

Implementing platform-specific features

In Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile Development, we can implement platform-specific features by writing platform-specific code. This code will be executed only on the respective platform.

Handling platform differences

To handle platform differences, we can use conditional statements to execute platform-specific code.

expect fun platformSpecificFunction(): String

fun sharedFunction(): String {
    return "This is a shared function"

class SharedCode {
    fun sharedFunction2(): String {
        val platformSpecificResult = platformSpecificFunction()
        return "Shared function with platform-specific result: $platformSpecificResult"

In this code, the expect keyword is used to declare a function that needs to be implemented on each platform (Android and iOS). The actual implementation of this function will be provided in the platform-specific code.


Unit testing shared code

In Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile Development, we can write unit tests for the shared code to ensure its functionality across platforms.

Platform-specific testing

To test platform-specific code, we can write separate unit tests for each platform. These tests will validate the behavior of the platform-specific code on each platform.

class SharedCodeTest {
    fun testSharedFunction() {
        val sharedCode = SharedCode()
        val result = sharedCode.sharedFunction()
        assertEquals("This is a shared function", result)
    fun testSharedFunction2() {
        val sharedCode = SharedCode()
        val result = sharedCode.sharedFunction2()
        assertEquals("This is another shared function", result)


Building and packaging the app

To build and package the app for deployment, we can use the build tools provided by Android Studio and Xcode.

Deploying to Android and iOS

To deploy the app on Android, we can generate an APK file using Android Studio's build tools. To deploy the app on iOS, we can create an IPA file using Xcode's build tools.


In this tutorial, we explored Kotlin's Multiplatform Mobile Development and learned how to build mobile apps that can run on both Android and iOS platforms. We covered the benefits of KMM, setting up a project, writing shared code, implementing platform-specific features, testing, and deployment. With KMM, developers can save time and effort by reusing code across platforms, resulting in faster development and easier maintenance of mobile apps.