Building a Music Streaming App with Kotlin and Spotify API

This tutorial will guide you through the process of building a music streaming app using Kotlin and the Spotify API. We will cover everything from setting up the development environment to implementing key features such as user authentication, playing and pausing music, search functionality, and more. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a fully functional music streaming app that integrates with the Spotify platform.

building music streaming app kotlin spotify api


A music streaming app allows users to listen to their favorite songs and discover new music from a vast library of tracks. With the Spotify API, developers can access a wide range of features and data from the Spotify platform, including user authentication, music recommendations, search functionality, and more.

Kotlin is a modern programming language that is gaining popularity among Android app developers. It offers a more concise syntax, improved null safety, and better interoperability with Java. Kotlin is especially well-suited for Android app development due to its seamless integration with the Android Studio IDE.

Setting Up the Development Environment

Before we can start building our music streaming app, we need to set up our development environment. This involves installing Kotlin, creating a Spotify Developer Account, and generating API keys.

Installing Kotlin

To install Kotlin, follow these steps:

  1. Download and install the Kotlin compiler from the official Kotlin website.
  2. Open Android Studio and create a new Kotlin project.
  3. Configure the project settings to use Kotlin as the main language.

Creating a Spotify Developer Account

To create a Spotify Developer Account, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Spotify Developer website and sign up for an account.
  2. Once logged in, create a new app and provide the necessary information.
  3. After creating the app, you will receive a Client ID and Client Secret, which we will use later to authenticate our app with the Spotify API.

Generating API Keys

To generate API keys for our app, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Spotify Developer Dashboard and select your app.
  2. Under the "Settings" tab, click on "Edit Settings" and add the necessary redirect URIs.
  3. After saving the settings, you will find your API keys under the "Dashboard" tab.

Building the User Interface

Now that our development environment is set up, we can start building the user interface for our music streaming app. This involves designing the app layout, implementing user authentication, and displaying music recommendations.

Designing the App Layout

To design the app layout, we can use XML layout files in Android Studio. Create a new XML layout file for each screen of your app, such as the login screen, home screen, and music player screen. Use the available UI components to create an intuitive and visually appealing user interface.

Implementing User Authentication

To implement user authentication, we will use the Spotify Android SDK. This SDK provides a set of APIs that handle the authentication process and allow us to access the user's Spotify account.

To authenticate the user, follow these steps:

  1. Initialize the Spotify SDK with your API keys.
  2. Use the SDK's login method to prompt the user to log in with their Spotify credentials.
  3. Handle the authentication callback to retrieve the user's access token.

Displaying Music Recommendations

Once the user is authenticated, we can display music recommendations based on their listening history and preferences. To do this, we will make API calls to the Spotify API and retrieve a list of recommended tracks.

To display music recommendations, follow these steps:

  1. Use the Spotify API to fetch the user's top tracks or recently played tracks.
  2. Make an API call to the Spotify API's recommendation endpoint, passing in the user's listening history as parameters.
  3. Parse the response from the API and display the recommended tracks in a list.

Handling User Interactions

Now that we have the basic functionality of our music streaming app, let's implement some key user interactions such as playing and pausing music, skipping tracks, and creating playlists.

Playing and Pausing Music

To play and pause music, we will use the Spotify Android SDK's playback controls. This allows us to control the playback of tracks, including starting, pausing, and resuming playback.

To play and pause music, follow these steps:

  1. Use the SDK's play method to start playback of a track.
  2. Use the SDK's pause method to pause playback of a track.

Skipping Tracks

To skip tracks, we will use the SDK's skipToNext and skipToPrevious methods. These methods allow us to navigate through the user's current playback queue and skip to the next or previous track.

To skip tracks, follow these steps:

  1. Use the SDK's skipToNext method to skip to the next track in the queue.
  2. Use the SDK's skipToPrevious method to skip to the previous track in the queue.

Creating Playlists

To allow users to create playlists, we will use the Spotify API's playlist endpoints. These endpoints allow us to create, modify, and delete playlists on behalf of the user.

To create playlists, follow these steps:

  1. Prompt the user to enter a name for the playlist.
  2. Make an API call to the Spotify API's playlist endpoint, passing in the user's access token and the playlist name as parameters.
  3. Handle the API response to verify that the playlist was created successfully.

Implementing Search Functionality

One of the key features of a music streaming app is the ability to search for songs. In this section, we will implement search functionality using the Spotify API's search endpoint.

Searching for Songs

To search for songs, follow these steps:

  1. Prompt the user to enter a search query.
  2. Make an API call to the Spotify API's search endpoint, passing in the user's access token and the search query as parameters.
  3. Parse the response from the API and display the search results in a list.

Filtering Search Results

To enhance the search functionality, we can implement filtering options to allow users to refine their search results. For example, we can filter by track, album, artist, or genre.

To filter search results, follow these steps:

  1. Display filtering options to the user, such as checkboxes or dropdown menus.
  2. Update the API call to include the selected filters as parameters.
  3. Parse the updated response from the API and display the filtered search results in a list.

Adding Songs to the Queue

To allow users to add songs to their playback queue, we will use the SDK's playback controls. This allows us to add tracks to the user's current playback queue.

To add songs to the queue, follow these steps:

  1. Prompt the user to select a track from the search results.
  2. Use the SDK's addTrackToQueue method to add the selected track to the playback queue.

Enhancing the App with Additional Features

Now that we have the core functionality of our music streaming app, let's enhance it with additional features such as offline mode, social sharing, and music recommendations.

Implementing Offline Mode

To implement offline mode, we can use the Spotify Android SDK's offline playback feature. This allows users to download tracks for offline listening.

To implement offline mode, follow these steps:

  1. Use the SDK's setOfflineMode method to enable or disable offline playback.
  2. Handle the SDK's offlineModeStatus callback to update the UI based on the current offline mode status.

Integrating Social Sharing

To allow users to share their favorite songs or playlists, we can integrate social sharing functionality into our app. This can be done using the Android Share Intent to share content via various social media platforms.

To integrate social sharing, follow these steps:

  1. Create a share button or menu option in your app's UI.
  2. Implement the necessary code to create an Android Share Intent and share the desired content.

Adding Music Recommendations

To provide users with personalized music recommendations, we can implement a feature that analyses their listening history and preferences. This can be done using machine learning algorithms or by making use of the Spotify API's recommendation endpoints.

To add music recommendations, follow these steps:

  1. Fetch the user's listening history and preferences from the Spotify API.
  2. Use machine learning algorithms or the Spotify API's recommendation endpoints to generate personalized music recommendations.
  3. Display the recommendations to the user in a list or carousel format.


In this tutorial, we have covered the process of building a music streaming app using Kotlin and the Spotify API. We started by setting up the development environment, then proceeded to design the user interface and implement key features such as user authentication, playing and pausing music, search functionality, and more. By following this tutorial, you should now have a solid foundation for building your own music streaming app using Kotlin and the Spotify API.