Angular and Redux: State Management Made Easy

State management is an essential aspect of any application development, and Angular is no exception. In complex applications, managing the state of components can become challenging and lead to bugs and performance issues. This is where Redux comes in. Redux is a predictable state container that helps manage the state of an application in a structured manner. In this tutorial, we will explore how to integrate Redux into an Angular project and simplify state management.

angular redux state management made easy


What is state management?

State management refers to the process of managing and manipulating the state of an application. In Angular, state typically refers to the data that needs to be shared between components or persisted across the application. State management involves handling data flow, ensuring consistency, and making changes to the state in a predictable manner.

Why is state management important in Angular?

Angular follows a component-based architecture, where each component has its own state. However, when components need to communicate or share data, managing the state can become complex. State management allows for a centralized approach to handling data, making it easier to track changes, maintain consistency, and improve performance.

Overview of Redux

Redux is a popular JavaScript library that provides a predictable state container for managing the state of an application. It follows a unidirectional data flow, where the state is stored in a central store and can only be modified through actions. Redux simplifies state management by enforcing a strict structure and providing a set of tools for handling state changes.

Getting Started with Angular and Redux

Setting up an Angular project

To get started with Angular and Redux, we first need to set up a new Angular project. If you already have an existing project, you can skip this step.

  1. Open your terminal and navigate to the directory where you want to create your project.
  2. Run the following command to create a new Angular project:
ng new my-angular-redux-app
  1. Change into the project directory:
cd my-angular-redux-app

Installing Redux

Once we have our Angular project set up, we need to install Redux and its dependencies.

  1. Open your terminal and navigate to the root directory of your Angular project.
  2. Run the following command to install Redux:
npm install redux @ngrx/store

Creating the Redux store

Now that Redux is installed, we can create the Redux store in our Angular application. The store is responsible for holding the state of our application and providing methods to access and modify it.

  1. Create a new file called store.ts in the src/app directory.
  2. In this file, import the necessary Redux dependencies:
import { Action, createReducer, on } from '@ngrx/store';
  1. Define the initial state of your application. This can be an empty object or any initial data that you want to store:
const initialState = {};
  1. Create a reducer function that will handle state changes. This function takes the current state and an action as parameters, and returns the new state:
const myReducer = createReducer(
  // Define your state change logic here
  1. Export the reducer function so that it can be used in other parts of the application:
export function reducer(state: any, action: Action) {
  return myReducer(state, action);
  1. In your Angular module file (e.g., app.module.ts), import the necessary Redux dependencies:
import { StoreModule } from '@ngrx/store';
import { reducer } from './store';
  1. Add the StoreModule.forRoot() method to the imports array, passing in the reducer function:
  imports: [
    // Other module imports
    StoreModule.forRoot({ app: reducer }),
export class AppModule {}

Defining actions and reducers

Actions and reducers are the building blocks of Redux. Actions represent events or user interactions that trigger state changes, while reducers define how the state should be updated in response to these actions.

  1. Create a new file called actions.ts in the src/app directory.
  2. In this file, import the necessary Redux dependencies:
import { createAction, props } from '@ngrx/store';
  1. Define your actions using the createAction() method. Actions can carry additional data, known as payload, which can be accessed in the reducer:
export const increment = createAction('[Counter] Increment');
export const decrement = createAction('[Counter] Decrement');
export const reset = createAction('[Counter] Reset');
export const add = createAction('[Counter] Add', props<{ amount: number }>());
  1. Create a new file called counter.reducer.ts in the src/app directory.
  2. In this file, import the necessary Redux dependencies:
import { createReducer, on } from '@ngrx/store';
import { increment, decrement, reset, add } from './actions';
  1. Define the initial state of your counter:
const initialState = 0;
  1. Create a reducer function that will handle state changes based on the actions:
const counterReducer = createReducer(
  on(increment, (state) => state + 1),
  on(decrement, (state) => state - 1),
  on(reset, () => initialState),
  on(add, (state, { amount }) => state + amount)
  1. Export the reducer function:
export function counter(state: number, action: Action) {
  return counterReducer(state, action);

Implementing State Management in Angular with Redux

Now that we have set up our Redux store, actions, and reducers, let's see how we can integrate Redux into Angular components for state management.

Connecting Redux to Angular components

To connect Redux to Angular components, we need to make use of the Store service provided by Redux.

  1. In your Angular component file (e.g., counter.component.ts), import the necessary Redux dependencies:
import { Store } from '@ngrx/store';
import { increment, decrement, reset, add } from '../actions';
  1. Inject the Store service into the constructor:
constructor(private store: Store<{ counter: number }>) {}
  1. Dispatch actions to update the state. You can use the dispatch() method provided by the Store service:
increment() {;

decrement() {;

reset() {;

add(amount: number) {{ amount }));

Accessing state in components

To access the state in components, we can subscribe to the store and retrieve the state whenever it changes.

  1. In your Angular component file (e.g., counter.component.ts), import the necessary Redux dependencies:
import { Store } from '@ngrx/store';
  1. Inject the Store service into the constructor:
constructor(private store: Store<{ counter: number }>) {}
  1. Subscribe to the store to receive updates whenever the state changes:
ngOnInit() {'counter').subscribe((counter) => {
    // Handle state changes here

Updating state with reducers

To update the state in Redux, we need to define reducers that handle state changes based on actions.

  1. Create a new file called counter.reducer.ts in the src/app directory.
  2. In this file, import the necessary Redux dependencies:
import { createReducer, on } from '@ngrx/store';
import { increment, decrement, reset, add } from './actions';
  1. Define the initial state of your counter:
const initialState = 0;
  1. Create a reducer function that will handle state changes based on the actions:
const counterReducer = createReducer(
  on(increment, (state) => state + 1),
  on(decrement, (state) => state - 1),
  on(reset, () => initialState),
  on(add, (state, { amount }) => state + amount)
  1. Export the reducer function:
export function counter(state: number, action: Action) {
  return counterReducer(state, action);
  1. In your store.ts file, import the newly created reducer:
import { counter } from './counter.reducer';
  1. Update the StoreModule.forRoot() method in your Angular module file to include the new reducer:
  imports: [
    // Other module imports
    StoreModule.forRoot({ counter }),
export class AppModule {}

Advanced Techniques

Using selectors

Selectors are functions that allow us to retrieve specific pieces of state from the Redux store. They provide a way to encapsulate the logic for accessing and transforming the state.

  1. Create a new file called selectors.ts in the src/app directory.
  2. In this file, import the necessary Redux dependencies:
import { createSelector } from '@ngrx/store';
  1. Define a selector function that retrieves the counter state:
export const selectCounter = createSelector(
  (state: { counter: number }) => state.counter,
  (counter) => counter
  1. In your Angular component file (e.g., counter.component.ts), import the necessary Redux dependencies:
import { Store, select } from '@ngrx/store';
import { selectCounter } from '../selectors';
  1. Inject the Store service into the constructor:
constructor(private store: Store<{ counter: number }>) {}
  1. Use the select method provided by the Store service to retrieve the counter state:
ngOnInit() { => {
    // Handle state changes here

Handling asynchronous actions

In some cases, we may need to handle asynchronous actions, such as making API requests or performing side effects. Redux provides middleware as a way to handle these types of actions.

  1. Install the redux-thunk middleware by running the following command:
npm install redux-thunk
  1. In your store.ts file, import the necessary Redux dependencies:
import { applyMiddleware } from '@ngrx/store';
import thunk from 'redux-thunk';
  1. Update the StoreModule.forRoot() method in your Angular module file to include the middleware:
  imports: [
    // Other module imports
    StoreModule.forRoot({ counter }, { middleware: [thunk] }),
export class AppModule {}
  1. Create an asynchronous action in your actions.ts file:
import { createAction } from '@ngrx/store';

export const fetchData = createAction('[Counter] Fetch Data');

export const fetchSuccess = createAction(
  '[Counter] Fetch Success',
  props<{ data: any }>()

export const fetchError = createAction('[Counter] Fetch Error');
  1. Create a thunk function that handles the asynchronous action:
import { Action } from '@ngrx/store';
import { ThunkDispatch } from 'redux-thunk';
import { fetchData, fetchSuccess, fetchError } from './actions';

export const fetchAsyncData = () => async (
  dispatch: ThunkDispatch<{}, {}, Action>
) => {

  try {
    // Perform asynchronous operation here
    const response = await fetch('');
    const data = await response.json();

    dispatch(fetchSuccess({ data }));
  } catch (error) {
  1. In your Angular component file (e.g., counter.component.ts), import the necessary Redux dependencies:
import { Store, select } from '@ngrx/store';
import { fetchAsyncData } from '../thunks';
  1. Inject the Store service into the constructor:
constructor(private store: Store<{ counter: number }>) {}
  1. Dispatch the asynchronous action to trigger the API request:
fetchData() {;

Best practices for state management

When working with state management in Angular and Redux, it's important to follow a few best practices to ensure a clean and maintainable codebase:

  1. Separate presentational and container components: Presentational components should focus on rendering the UI, while container components should handle state management and interaction with Redux.

  2. Keep the state normalized: Normalize the state structure by storing entities in a structured manner. This makes it easier to query and update the state.

  3. Avoid unnecessary state updates: Use selectors to retrieve only the necessary data from the state. This can help reduce unnecessary re-rendering of components.

  4. Use immutability: Ensure that state updates are done in an immutable manner to prevent unintended side effects. Immutable data structures, such as Immutable.js, can help enforce immutability.

  5. Test your state management code: Write unit tests to ensure that your state management code is working as expected. Test reducers, actions, and selectors to cover the different scenarios.

Integration with Angular Services

Using services with Redux

In addition to components, we can also integrate Angular services with Redux to manage state and perform side effects.

  1. Create a new file called data.service.ts in the src/app directory.
  2. In this file, import the necessary Angular and Redux dependencies:
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { Store } from '@ngrx/store';
  1. Create a service class and inject the Store service into the constructor:
  providedIn: 'root',
export class DataService {
  constructor(private store: Store<{ counter: number }>) {}
  1. Use the Store service to dispatch actions and access the state:
  providedIn: 'root',
export class DataService {
  constructor(private store: Store<{ counter: number }>) {}

  increment() {;

  getCounter() {

Managing side effects

Services can also be used to handle side effects, such as making HTTP requests or interacting with external APIs.

  1. Install the redux-observable middleware by running the following command:
npm install redux-observable
  1. In your store.ts file, import the necessary Redux dependencies:
import { applyMiddleware } from '@ngrx/store';
import { createEpicMiddleware } from 'redux-observable';
import { rootEpic } from './epics';
  1. Create an epic function that handles the side effect:
import { Epic, ofType } from 'redux-observable';
import { map, mergeMap } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { fetchData, fetchSuccess, fetchError } from './actions';

const fetchAsyncDataEpic: Epic = (action$) =>
    mergeMap(() =>
      // Perform asynchronous operation here
        .then((response) => response.json())
        .then((data) => fetchSuccess({ data }))
        .catch(() => fetchError())

export const rootEpic = combineEpics(fetchAsyncDataEpic);
  1. Update the StoreModule.forRoot() method in your Angular module file to include the middleware and epic:
  imports: [
    // Other module imports
    StoreModule.forRoot({ counter }, { middleware: [createEpicMiddleware(rootEpic)] }),
export class AppModule {}

Performance Optimization


Memoization is a technique that can be used to optimize performance by caching the results of expensive function calls. In Redux, we can use memoized selectors to avoid unnecessary re-calculations.

  1. Install the reselect library by running the following command:
npm install reselect
  1. In your selectors.ts file, import the necessary Redux and Reselect dependencies:
import { createSelector } from '@ngrx/store';
import { createSelector } from 'reselect';
  1. Define your selectors using the createSelector() method. Memoized selectors will only recompute their result when their inputs change:
export const selectCounter = createSelector(
  (state: { counter: number }) => state.counter,
  (counter) => counter
  1. In your Angular component file (e.g., counter.component.ts), import the necessary Redux dependencies:
import { Store, select } from '@ngrx/store';
import { selectCounter } from '../selectors';
  1. Inject the Store service into the constructor:
constructor(private store: Store<{ counter: number }>) {}
  1. Use the memoized selector to retrieve the counter state:
ngOnInit() { => {
    // Handle state changes here

Immutable data structures

Using immutable data structures can improve performance by reducing unnecessary re-rendering of components. Libraries like Immutable.js provide immutable data structures that can be used with Redux.

  1. Install the immutable and @ngrx/entity libraries by running the following command:
npm install immutable @ngrx/entity
  1. In your store.ts file, import the necessary Redux and Immutable.js dependencies:
import { createReducer, on } from '@ngrx/store';
import { List, Record } from 'immutable';
import { EntityState, createEntityAdapter } from '@ngrx/entity';
  1. Define your state using an immutable data structure:
export interface MyState extends EntityState<MyEntity> {
  // Define your state properties here

export class MyEntity extends Record<MyEntity>({
  // Define your entity properties here
}) {}
  1. Create an entity adapter to manage the state:
export const myAdapter = createEntityAdapter<MyEntity>();

export const initialState: MyState = myAdapter.getInitialState({
  // Set initial entity state here
  1. Create a reducer function that handles state changes:
const myReducer = createReducer(
  // Define your state change logic here
  1. Export the reducer function:
export function reducer(state: MyState | undefined, action: Action) {
  return myReducer(state, action);

Selective component updates

To further optimize performance, we can use the OnPush change detection strategy in Angular components. This strategy only updates the component when its inputs or referenced objects change.

  1. In your Angular component file (e.g., counter.component.ts), import the necessary Angular dependencies:
import { Component, ChangeDetectionStrategy } from '@angular/core';
  1. Set the changeDetection property of the component to ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush:
  // Other component properties
  changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
export class CounterComponent {
  // Component code


In this tutorial, we have explored how to integrate Redux into an Angular project to simplify state management. We started by setting up an Angular project and installing the necessary Redux dependencies. Then, we created the Redux store, defined actions and reducers, and implemented state management in Angular components. We also discussed advanced techniques such as using selectors, handling asynchronous actions, integrating services with Redux, and optimizing performance. By following these practices, you can effectively manage the state of your Angular application and improve its performance and maintainability.