Angular vs Polymer: A Comprehensive Comparison

In this tutorial, we will compare two popular JavaScript frameworks, Angular and Polymer, and analyze their architecture, performance, community support, ecosystem, and learning curve. Both frameworks are widely used for developing web applications, but they have different approaches and features. By understanding the differences between Angular and Polymer, software developers can make an informed decision about which framework to choose for their next project.

angular polymer comparison comprehensive


What is Angular?

Angular is a powerful open-source JavaScript framework developed by Google. It is designed for building dynamic web applications and provides a comprehensive set of features for creating scalable and maintainable code. Angular follows a component-based architecture, where the application is divided into reusable and self-contained components.

What is Polymer?

Polymer is another JavaScript framework developed by Google, but with a different focus. It is a library that enables developers to create reusable web components using standard web technologies, such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Polymer embraces the Web Components standard and allows developers to build encapsulated custom elements that can be used in any web application.

Purpose of the Comparison

The purpose of this comparison is to highlight the similarities and differences between Angular and Polymer, and help software developers choose the framework that best suits their needs. We will compare the architecture, performance, community support, ecosystem, and learning curve of both frameworks.


Component-Based Architecture

Both Angular and Polymer follow a component-based architecture, which promotes reusability and modularity. However, they have different approaches to defining and using components.


In Angular, components are defined using TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript that adds static typing and other features to the language. A typical Angular component consists of a TypeScript class and an accompanying HTML template. The class contains the component's logic and data, while the template defines its structure and appearance.

Here is an example of an Angular component:

import { Component } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'app-example',
  templateUrl: './example.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./example.component.css']
export class ExampleComponent {
  title = 'Hello, Angular!';

The corresponding HTML template (example.component.html) can contain Angular-specific directives and bindings:

<h1>{{ title }}</h1>


In Polymer, components are defined using standard HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. A Polymer component is encapsulated within a custom HTML element and can include its own styles and behavior. The component's template is defined using HTML, and its logic is implemented using JavaScript.

Here is an example of a Polymer component:

<link rel="import" href="../polymer/polymer-element.html">

<dom-module id="example-component">
    <h1>{{ title }}</h1>

    class ExampleComponent extends Polymer.Element {
      static get is() { return 'example-component'; }
      static get properties() {
        return {
          title: {
            type: String,
            value: 'Hello, Polymer!'

    customElements.define(, ExampleComponent);

In this example, the title property is defined using Polymer's property system. The component's template references this property using double curly braces ({{ title }}).

Data Binding

Both Angular and Polymer provide powerful data binding capabilities, allowing developers to establish relationships between the model (data) and the view (UI).


In Angular, data binding is achieved using brackets ([]), parentheses (()), and double curly braces ({{}}). Brackets ([]) are used for one-way binding, where data flows from the component to the view. Parentheses (()) are used for event binding, allowing actions in the view to trigger methods in the component. Double curly braces ({{}}) are used for interpolation, enabling the component's data to be displayed in the view.

Here is an example of data binding in Angular:

<h1>{{ title }}</h1>

<input [(ngModel)]="name" placeholder="Enter your name">

<button (click)="sayHello()">Say Hello</button>

In this example, the title property is displayed using interpolation ({{ title }}). The name property is two-way bound to the input field using the ngModel directive, allowing the user to enter their name. The sayHello() method is bound to the button's click event using parentheses ((click)), triggering the method when the button is clicked.


In Polymer, data binding is achieved using the [[ and ]] syntax. Double square brackets ([[ ]]) are used for one-way binding, where data flows from the component to the view. Single square brackets ([ ]) are used for property binding, allowing the component's properties to be bound to other properties. Double curly braces ({{}}) are used for text content binding, enabling the component's data to be displayed in the view.

Here is an example of data binding in Polymer:

<h1>{{ title }}</h1>

<input value="{{name::input}}" placeholder="Enter your name">

<button on-click="sayHello">Say Hello</button>

In this example, the title property is displayed using text content binding ({{ title }}). The name property is two-way bound to the input field using the value attribute and the ::input event, allowing the user to enter their name. The sayHello method is bound to the button's click event using the on-click attribute, triggering the method when the button is clicked.


Both Angular and Polymer provide powerful templating capabilities, allowing developers to define the structure and appearance of their components.


In Angular, component templates are defined using HTML with additional Angular-specific syntax and directives. Angular templates can contain regular HTML markup, as well as Angular-specific directives and bindings.

Here is an example of a template in Angular:

<h1>{{ title }}</h1>

  <li *ngFor="let item of items">{{ item }}</li>

In this example, the title property is displayed using interpolation ({{ title }}). The *ngFor directive is used to create a loop and display a list of items.


In Polymer, component templates are defined using HTML with additional Polymer-specific syntax and features. Polymer templates can contain regular HTML markup, as well as Polymer-specific directives and bindings.

Here is an example of a template in Polymer:

<h1>{{ title }}</h1>

<template is="dom-repeat" items="{{items}}">

In this example, the title property is displayed using text content binding ({{ title }}). The <template> element with the is="dom-repeat" attribute is used to create a loop and display a list of items.


Routing is an essential feature in modern web applications, allowing developers to navigate between different pages or views. Both Angular and Polymer provide routing capabilities, but they have different approaches.


In Angular, routing is built-in and can be configured using the RouterModule. Angular's routing system allows developers to define routes, associate them with components, and navigate between them using links or programmatic navigation.

Here is an example of routing in Angular:

import { RouterModule, Routes } from '@angular/router';
import { HomeComponent } from './home.component';
import { AboutComponent } from './about.component';

const routes: Routes = [
  { path: '', component: HomeComponent },
  { path: 'about', component: AboutComponent }

  imports: [RouterModule.forRoot(routes)],
  exports: [RouterModule]
export class AppRoutingModule { }

In this example, the RouterModule is imported and configured with the desired routes. The HomeComponent is associated with the empty path (''), and the AboutComponent is associated with the /about path.


In Polymer, routing needs to be implemented using third-party libraries or custom code. There are several routing libraries available for Polymer, such as app-route and vaadin-router, that provide routing capabilities similar to Angular.

Here is an example of routing in Polymer using app-route:

<app-route route="{{route}}" pattern="/home" active="{{activeHome}}"></app-route>
<app-route route="{{route}}" pattern="/about" active="{{activeAbout}}"></app-route>

<template is="dom-if" if="{{activeHome}}">

<template is="dom-if" if="{{activeAbout}}">

In this example, the app-route elements define the routes and associate them with the corresponding components. The activeHome and activeAbout properties are used to control the visibility of the components using the dom-if template directive.


Loading Time

The loading time of a web application is crucial for providing a good user experience. Both Angular and Polymer have different loading mechanisms and considerations.


Angular applications are typically bundled and minified to reduce their size and improve loading time. The Angular CLI provides built-in tools for optimizing and bundling Angular applications. The generated bundles can be further compressed and cached to improve loading time.


Polymer applications are designed to load quickly by default, thanks to the use of standard web technologies and the Web Components standard. Polymer components are lazy-loaded, meaning that they are only loaded when needed, reducing the initial loading time. However, the size of the Polymer library itself can impact the overall loading time.

Rendering Speed

The rendering speed of a web application determines how quickly the UI updates in response to user interactions. Both Angular and Polymer have different rendering mechanisms and considerations.


Angular uses a virtual DOM (VDOM) to efficiently update the UI. The VDOM is an in-memory representation of the UI, which allows Angular to calculate and apply the minimum number of changes needed to update the UI. This approach improves rendering speed and reduces unnecessary DOM manipulations.


Polymer uses a declarative approach to update the UI. When a component's data changes, Polymer automatically updates the corresponding part of the UI. Polymer's data binding system is optimized to efficiently track changes and apply updates only where necessary.

Memory Usage

The memory usage of a web application is critical for ensuring smooth performance and avoiding memory leaks. Both Angular and Polymer have different memory management mechanisms and considerations.


Angular uses a garbage collector to automatically free up memory when objects are no longer needed. Angular's change detection mechanism keeps track of changes in the component's data and triggers UI updates accordingly. Angular also provides tools for profiling and optimizing memory usage.


Polymer uses a similar garbage collector to automatically free up memory. Polymer's data binding system tracks changes in the component's data and updates the UI efficiently. However, Polymer's use of the Web Components standard can lead to higher memory usage compared to Angular.

Community and Support

Active Community

The strength of a framework's community can greatly influence its success and the availability of resources. Both Angular and Polymer have active communities, but they differ in size and focus.


Angular has a large and active community, with a vast number of developers and contributors. The official Angular website provides extensive documentation, guides, and tutorials. The community is also very active on various forums, such as Stack Overflow, where developers can ask questions and get help.


Polymer has a smaller but dedicated community. The official Polymer website provides documentation, guides, and tutorials. The community is active on the Polymer Slack channel and Google Groups, where developers can interact with each other and get support.


Good documentation is essential for developers to understand and use a framework effectively. Both Angular and Polymer provide comprehensive documentation, but they differ in terms of depth and coverage.


Angular has extensive documentation, covering all aspects of the framework. The official Angular documentation provides detailed explanations, examples, and API references. It also includes guides and tutorials for beginners and advanced users.


Polymer also has comprehensive documentation, covering various aspects of the framework. The official Polymer documentation provides detailed explanations, examples, and API references. However, the documentation may not be as extensive as Angular's, especially for advanced topics.

Third-Party Libraries and Tools

The availability of third-party libraries and tools can greatly enhance the development experience and productivity. Both Angular and Polymer have a vibrant ecosystem of third-party libraries and tools, but they differ in terms of quantity and maturity.


Angular has a large and mature ecosystem of third-party libraries and tools. There are libraries available for almost every use case, such as UI components, form validation, state management, and more. The Angular CLI provides built-in support for generating code, running tests, and deploying applications.


Polymer has a smaller ecosystem of third-party libraries and tools compared to Angular. However, there are still several libraries available for common use cases, such as UI components and data management. The Polymer CLI provides tools for building and optimizing Polymer applications.

Available Resources

The availability of learning resources is crucial for developers to learn and master a framework. Both Angular and Polymer have various resources available, but they differ in terms of quantity and quality.


Angular has a wealth of learning resources, including books, online tutorials, video courses, and community blogs. The official Angular website provides comprehensive guides and tutorials for beginners and advanced users. There are also many online communities, forums, and meetups dedicated to Angular.


Polymer has fewer learning resources compared to Angular, but there are still several books, online tutorials, and video courses available. The official Polymer website provides guides and tutorials, as well as a curated list of resources. The Polymer Slack channel and Google Groups are also valuable resources for getting help and interacting with the community.


Integration with Other Technologies

The ability to integrate with other technologies is crucial for developing modern web applications. Both Angular and Polymer have different levels of integration with other technologies.


Angular has excellent integration with other technologies, such as TypeScript, RxJS, and the Angular Material library. TypeScript provides static typing and other features that enhance JavaScript development. RxJS is a powerful library for reactive programming, which can be used with Angular to handle asynchronous operations. Angular Material provides a set of pre-built UI components that follow the Material Design guidelines.


Polymer is designed to work well with other web technologies, such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Polymer components can be easily integrated into any web application, regardless of the underlying technology stack. However, Polymer may not have the same level of integration with specific technologies compared to Angular.

Learning Curve

Difficulty Level

The learning curve of a framework can impact the development process and the productivity of developers. Both Angular and Polymer have different levels of difficulty.


Angular has a steeper learning curve compared to Polymer, mainly due to its use of TypeScript and the complexity of its features. Developers need to learn TypeScript, the Angular CLI, and the various Angular-specific concepts and patterns. However, once developers understand the fundamentals, they can leverage the power of Angular to build complex and scalable applications.


Polymer has a relatively lower learning curve compared to Angular, especially for developers already familiar with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The basic concepts of Polymer, such as custom elements and data binding, are easy to grasp. However, Polymer's use of the Web Components standard and its specific patterns may require some additional learning.

Learning Resources

The availability of learning resources greatly influences the ease of learning a framework. Both Angular and Polymer have various learning resources available, but they differ in terms of quantity and quality.


Angular has a vast array of learning resources, including books, online tutorials, video courses, and community blogs. The official Angular documentation provides comprehensive guides and tutorials for beginners and advanced users. There are also many online communities, forums, and meetups dedicated to Angular.


Polymer has fewer learning resources compared to Angular, but there are still several books, online tutorials, and video courses available. The official Polymer website provides guides and tutorials, as well as a curated list of resources. The Polymer Slack channel and Google Groups are also valuable resources for getting help and interacting with the community.


In conclusion, both Angular and Polymer are powerful JavaScript frameworks that can be used to develop web applications. Angular is a comprehensive framework with a rich ecosystem, extensive documentation, and strong community support. It is suitable for building large-scale applications and provides advanced features for components, data binding, templating, and routing. However, it has a steeper learning curve and may require some familiarity with TypeScript.

On the other hand, Polymer is a lightweight framework that embraces the Web Components standard. It allows developers to create reusable web components using standard web technologies. Polymer has a smaller community and ecosystem compared to Angular, but it is easier to learn and integrate with existing web applications.

Ultimately, the choice between Angular and Polymer depends on the specific requirements of the project, the developer's familiarity with the technologies involved, and the available resources and support.