Angular and Adapter Pattern: Integrating External Libraries

This tutorial will guide software developers through the process of integrating external libraries into an Angular application using the Adapter Pattern. The Adapter Pattern is a design pattern that allows incompatible interfaces to work together by acting as a translator between the two. In the context of Angular development, it is crucial for integrating external libraries that may have different APIs and data structures. This tutorial will provide an overview of Angular's dependency injection system, discuss the challenges of integrating external libraries, explain how the Adapter Pattern solves these challenges, and provide best practices for using the Adapter Pattern in Angular. Real-world examples of integrating a charting library and using a third-party authentication service will also be demonstrated.

angular adapter pattern integrating external libraries


What is the Adapter Pattern?

The Adapter Pattern is a design pattern that allows objects with incompatible interfaces to work together. It acts as a translator between two incompatible interfaces, converting the interface of one class into another interface that clients expect. In the context of Angular development, the Adapter Pattern can be used to integrate external libraries that may have different APIs and data structures.

Why is it important in Angular development?

In Angular development, integrating external libraries is a common requirement. These libraries may have different APIs and data structures, making it challenging to seamlessly integrate them into an Angular application. The Adapter Pattern provides a solution to this problem by acting as a bridge between Angular and the external library, allowing them to work together harmoniously.

Integrating External Libraries with Angular

Angular provides a robust dependency injection system that allows developers to easily integrate external libraries into their applications. However, integrating external libraries can present challenges due to differences in API design, data structures, and compatibility issues. The Adapter Pattern can help address these challenges by providing a layer of abstraction that translates the external library's API into a format that is compatible with Angular.

Overview of Angular's dependency injection system

Angular's dependency injection system is a powerful feature that allows developers to easily manage and inject dependencies into their components, services, and other Angular constructs. It provides a way to define dependencies in a central location and automatically inject them wherever they are needed. This makes it easier to integrate external libraries into an Angular application by providing a standardized way to manage and inject dependencies.

Challenges of integrating external libraries

Integrating external libraries into an Angular application can present several challenges. These challenges include differences in API design, data structures, and compatibility issues. For example, an external library may have a different method signature or use a different data format than what Angular expects. Additionally, external libraries may have their own dependencies that need to be managed and injected within the Angular application.

How the Adapter Pattern solves these challenges

The Adapter Pattern provides a solution to the challenges of integrating external libraries into an Angular application. By creating an adapter class that acts as a bridge between Angular and the external library, developers can map the external library's methods to Angular services, handle data conversion and compatibility, and manage the external library's dependencies using Angular's dependency injection system. This allows developers to seamlessly integrate external libraries into their Angular applications without compromising on code quality or maintainability.

Implementing the Adapter Pattern in Angular

Creating an adapter class

To implement the Adapter Pattern in Angular, the first step is to create an adapter class that acts as a bridge between Angular and the external library. This adapter class should implement the same interface as the external library but provide a mapping to Angular services. For example, if the external library has a getData method, the adapter class should have a corresponding getData method that calls the external library's method and returns the result.

Here's an example of an adapter class for integrating a fictional charting library into an Angular application:

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { ChartingLibrary } from 'charting-library';

export class ChartingAdapter {
  private chartingLibrary: ChartingLibrary;

  constructor() {
    this.chartingLibrary = new ChartingLibrary();

  public getData(): any {
    // Call the external library's method and return the result
    return this.chartingLibrary.getData();

In this example, the ChartingAdapter class acts as a bridge between Angular and the ChartingLibrary. It creates an instance of the ChartingLibrary in the constructor and provides a getData method that calls the getData method of the ChartingLibrary and returns the result.

Mapping external library methods to Angular services

Once the adapter class is created, the next step is to map the external library's methods to Angular services. This can be done by creating a service in Angular that uses the adapter class to call the external library's methods. This service can then be injected into Angular components and used to interact with the external library.

Here's an example of a service that uses the ChartingAdapter to fetch chart data:

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { ChartingAdapter } from './charting.adapter';

export class ChartDataService {
  constructor(private chartingAdapter: ChartingAdapter) {}

  public getChartData(): any {
    // Use the adapter to fetch chart data
    return this.chartingAdapter.getData();

In this example, the ChartDataService uses the ChartingAdapter to fetch chart data. The ChartingAdapter is injected into the service's constructor and used to call the getData method of the external library.

Handling data conversion and compatibility

In some cases, the data returned by the external library may need to be converted or transformed to be compatible with Angular. This can be done in the adapter class or in the service that uses the adapter. For example, if the external library returns data in a different format than what Angular expects, the adapter or service can convert the data to the desired format.

Here's an example of how data conversion can be handled in the adapter class:

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { ChartingLibrary } from 'charting-library';

export class ChartingAdapter {
  private chartingLibrary: ChartingLibrary;

  constructor() {
    this.chartingLibrary = new ChartingLibrary();

  public getData(): any {
    // Call the external library's method and convert the data
    const rawChartData = this.chartingLibrary.getData();
    const convertedData = this.convertData(rawChartData);
    return convertedData;

  private convertData(rawData: any): any {
    // Convert the data to the desired format
    // ...
    return convertedData;

In this example, the getData method of the ChartingAdapter calls the external library's getData method and converts the raw chart data using the convertData method before returning it.

Best Practices for Using the Adapter Pattern

Separation of concerns

When using the Adapter Pattern in Angular, it's important to maintain a separation of concerns between the adapter class and the Angular services that use it. The adapter class should focus on mapping the external library's methods to Angular services and handling data conversion, while the Angular services should focus on using the adapter to interact with the external library and provide a standardized interface for other components to consume.

Testing and mocking

To ensure the reliability and maintainability of the Adapter Pattern implementation, it's important to thoroughly test the adapter class and the Angular services that use it. This includes unit testing the adapter class to ensure that it correctly maps the external library's methods to Angular services and handles data conversion. It also includes integration testing the Angular services to ensure that they correctly use the adapter to interact with the external library.

Mocking the external library in tests can also be beneficial to isolate the adapter and Angular services from external dependencies. This allows for easier testing and better control over test scenarios. There are various mocking libraries available for Angular, such as Jasmine and Sinon, that can be used to mock external dependencies and test the Adapter Pattern implementation.

Maintaining compatibility with library updates

When integrating external libraries using the Adapter Pattern, it's important to consider the impact of library updates on the adapter class and the Angular services that use it. If the external library's API or data structures change in a new version, the adapter class and any Angular services that use it may need to be updated accordingly. Regularly reviewing and updating the Adapter Pattern implementation can help ensure compatibility with library updates and prevent compatibility issues.

Real-world Examples

Integrating a charting library

One common use case for the Adapter Pattern in Angular development is integrating a charting library. Charting libraries often have their own APIs and data structures, which may differ from what Angular expects. By creating an adapter class that maps the charting library's methods to Angular services and handles data conversion, developers can seamlessly integrate the charting library into their Angular applications.

Using a third-party authentication service

Another use case for the Adapter Pattern in Angular development is integrating a third-party authentication service. These services often have their own APIs and data structures for authentication and user management. By creating an adapter class that maps the authentication service's methods to Angular services and handles data conversion, developers can easily integrate the authentication service into their Angular applications and provide a standardized authentication interface for their components.


In this tutorial, we have explored the Adapter Pattern and its importance in Angular development for integrating external libraries. We have discussed the challenges of integrating external libraries and how the Adapter Pattern can solve these challenges by acting as a bridge between Angular and the external library. We have also provided an overview of Angular's dependency injection system and demonstrated how to implement the Adapter Pattern in Angular using an adapter class and Angular services. Best practices for using the Adapter Pattern, such as maintaining a separation of concerns, testing and mocking, and maintaining compatibility with library updates, have also been discussed. Real-world examples of integrating a charting library and using a third-party authentication service have been provided to illustrate the practical application of the Adapter Pattern in Angular development.