Android Localization: Best Practices with Kotlin

Android Localization is the process of adapting an Android app to support multiple languages and regions. It involves translating app content, such as text, images, and audio, into different languages and adapting the user interface to fit the cultural norms and preferences of different regions. In this tutorial, we will explore best practices for implementing Android Localization in Kotlin, including setting up string resources, choosing the right localization strategy, handling locale selection, working with professional translators, managing localization resources, and handling localization challenges.

android localization best practices kotlin


What is Android Localization?

Android Localization is the process of translating and adapting an Android app to support multiple languages and regions. It involves creating and managing resources that contain translated text and other localized content, such as images and audio. By localizing an app, developers can provide a better user experience for users who speak different languages or live in different regions.

Importance of Localization in Android Development

Localization is crucial for reaching a global audience and maximizing the potential user base of an Android app. By localizing an app, developers can increase user engagement, improve user satisfaction, and ultimately boost app downloads and revenue. Additionally, localization helps to avoid cultural misinterpretations and ensures that the app's content is relevant and understandable for users from different regions.

Preparing Your Android Project for Localization

Before getting started with Android Localization, it is important to prepare your Android project by organizing and structuring your code and resources properly. This includes separating text strings from your code and placing them in a separate resource file, using XML format. This separation allows for easier translation and maintenance of the app's localized content.

Setting Up String Resources

String resources are an essential part of Android Localization. They allow developers to store and manage text strings that will be translated into different languages. By using string resources, developers can easily update and translate the app's text content without modifying the source code.

To set up string resources, create a new XML file called strings.xml in the res/values directory of your Android project. Inside this file, define the app's text strings using the <string> tag, as shown in the following example:

    <string name="app_name">MyApp</string>
    <string name="welcome_message">Welcome to MyApp!</string>
    <string name="button_label">Click Me</string>

In your Kotlin code, you can access these string resources using the R.string class, as shown in the following example:

val appName: String = getString(R.string.app_name)
val welcomeMessage: String = getString(R.string.welcome_message)
val buttonLabel: String = getString(R.string.button_label)

By using string resources, you can easily provide translations for different languages by creating additional XML files in the res/values directory, with the appropriate language qualifier, such as res/values-es for Spanish translations.

Using String Formatting

In addition to basic text strings, string resources also support string formatting. This allows you to insert dynamic values, such as variables or user input, into localized text strings. To use string formatting, you can use the %s placeholder for string values and %d for integer values, as shown in the following example:

<string name="welcome_message">Welcome, %s!</string>
<string name="unread_messages">You have %d unread messages.</string>

In your Kotlin code, you can use the String.format() function to replace the placeholders with the actual values, as shown in the following example:

val username: String = "John"
val unreadMessageCount: Int = 5

val welcomeMessage: String = getString(R.string.welcome_message, username)
val unreadMessages: String = getString(R.string.unread_messages, unreadMessageCount)

Handling Plurals and Quantities

In some cases, you may need to handle different plural forms or quantities in your localized text strings. Android provides a special <plurals> tag for this purpose. Inside the <plurals> tag, you can define different versions of a text string for different quantities, using the <item> tag and the quantity attribute, as shown in the following example:

<plurals name="unread_messages">
    <item quantity="one">You have %d unread message.</item>
    <item quantity="other">You have %d unread messages.</item>

In your Kotlin code, you can use the quantityString() function to select the appropriate version of the string based on the quantity, as shown in the following example:

val unreadMessageCount: Int = 3

val unreadMessages: String = resources.getQuantityString(R.plurals.unread_messages, unreadMessageCount, unreadMessageCount)

By using plurals and quantities, you can provide accurate and grammatically correct translations for different quantities, such as singular and plural forms.

Choosing the Right Localization Strategy

When localizing an Android app, it is important to choose the right localization strategy based on the app's target audience, resources, and budget. There are several localization strategies to consider, including manual translation, machine translation, crowdsourcing, and professional translation.

Locale Selection

When localizing an Android app, it is important to consider both the language and region of the target audience. The language determines the translated text and the region determines any cultural adaptations or preferences. It is important to provide a good user experience by selecting the appropriate locale for the user.

Language vs. Region

In Android, the language is represented by the two-letter ISO 639-1 language code, such as "en" for English, and the region is represented by the two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code, such as "US" for the United States. By combining these codes, you can create a locale object that represents a specific language and region, as shown in the following example:

val locale: Locale = Locale("en", "US")

Supporting Multiple Languages

To support multiple languages in your Android app, you can provide translations for different languages by creating additional XML files in the res/values directory, with the appropriate language qualifier. For example, res/values-es for Spanish translations and res/values-fr for French translations. Android will automatically select the appropriate resources based on the user's device settings.

Handling RTL (Right-to-Left) Languages

Some languages, such as Arabic and Hebrew, are written from right to left (RTL). When localizing an app for RTL languages, it is important to consider the layout and directionality of the user interface. Android provides built-in support for RTL layouts, which can be enabled by adding the android:supportsRtl="true" attribute to the <application> tag in the app's manifest file.

Best Practices for Translating and Localizing Android Apps

When translating and localizing Android apps, it is important to follow best practices to ensure high-quality translations and a seamless user experience. This includes working with professional translators, avoiding machine translation pitfalls, cultural adaptation and localization, and testing and quality assurance.

Working with Professional Translators

To achieve high-quality translations, it is recommended to work with professional translators who are native speakers of the target language and have expertise in the app's domain. Professional translators can provide accurate and culturally appropriate translations that resonate with the target audience.

Avoiding Machine Translation Pitfalls

While machine translation tools, such as Google Translate, can be useful for getting a general understanding of the content, they should not be relied upon for producing high-quality translations. Machine translation can often produce inaccurate or unnatural translations, especially for complex or context-dependent content.

Cultural Adaptation and Localization

Localization goes beyond translation and involves adapting the app's content, user interface, and user experience to fit the cultural norms and preferences of the target audience. This includes considering factors such as date and time formats, number formats, currency symbols, and localized images and icons.

Testing and Quality Assurance

To ensure the quality of the localized app, it is important to thoroughly test and review the translations. This includes checking for accuracy, consistency, and cultural appropriateness. It is recommended to involve native speakers or language experts in the testing and review process to identify any issues or improvements.

Managing Localization Resources

Managing localization resources can be challenging, especially for apps with a large number of languages and regions. To simplify the management of localized resources, Android provides resource qualifiers and tools in Android Studio to automate the localization process.

Using Resource Qualifiers

Resource qualifiers allow you to organize and manage localized resources based on different device configurations, such as language, region, screen size, and orientation. By using resource qualifiers, you can provide different versions of resources for different device configurations, ensuring that the app's content is optimized for each user.

Managing Translations in Android Studio

Android Studio provides a set of tools that make it easier to manage and translate the app's resources. The Translation Editor allows you to view and edit translations for different languages in a single interface. The Android Resource Manager allows you to bulk import and export translations, making it easier to collaborate with translators.

Automating Localization Processes

To automate the localization process, you can use tools and libraries that integrate with Android Studio, such as the Localization Manager plugin. These tools can help streamline the translation workflow, automate the extraction and import of string resources, and provide translation memory and glossary management.

Handling Localization Challenges

Localization can present various challenges that need to be addressed to ensure a seamless user experience. These challenges include text expansion and contraction, handling date, time, and number formats, addressing UI layout issues, and handling dynamic content.

Dealing with Text Expansion and Contraction

When translating text strings, it is important to consider that translated text may be longer or shorter than the original text. This can cause layout issues, such as text truncation, overlapping, or misalignment. To handle text expansion and contraction, you can use techniques such as text ellipsis, dynamic layout resizing, or using different layout designs for different languages.

Handling Date, Time, and Number Formats

Date, time, and number formats can vary between different languages and regions. When localizing an app, it is important to consider the appropriate formats for the target audience. Android provides built-in formatting functions, such as SimpleDateFormat for dates and times, and NumberFormat for numbers, which can be used to format the app's content according to the user's locale.

Addressing UI Layout Issues

UI layout issues can arise when localizing an app for different languages, especially for RTL languages. It is important to consider the directionality of the user interface and ensure that the layout is mirrored or adjusted accordingly. Android provides built-in support for RTL layouts, which can be used to handle UI layout issues for RTL languages.

Handling Dynamic Content

Some apps may have dynamic content that is fetched from a server or generated at runtime. When localizing an app with dynamic content, it is important to ensure that the localized content is properly fetched or generated based on the user's locale. This can be achieved by using language or region-specific APIs, or by storing the localized content on the server and fetching it dynamically.


In this tutorial, we explored best practices for implementing Android Localization in Kotlin. We learned about setting up string resources, handling string formatting and plurals, choosing the right localization strategy, handling locale selection and RTL languages, working with professional translators, managing localization resources, and handling localization challenges. By following these best practices, developers can create high-quality and user-friendly localized Android apps that cater to a global audience.